Biblical at Campaign 2019
New Kingdom Egyptian vs New Kingdom Egyptian
Game 1 New Kingdom Egyptian vs New Kingdom Egyptian
Game 2 New Kingdom Egyptian vs New Kingdom Egyptian
Game 3 New Kingdom Egyptian vs New Kingdom Egyptian
Game 4 New Kingdom Egyptian vs New Kingdom Egyptian
Game 5 New Kingdom Egyptian vs New Kingdom Egyptian
Game 6 New Kingdom Egyptian vs Bedouin
A full set of results, all involving army breaks and the Egyptians were plunged into their fourth matchup of the day, against yet another NKE army.
The lists for the New Kingdom Egyptian and New Kingdom Egyptian from this game, as well as all the other lists from the games at Campaign can be seen here in the L'Art de la Guerre Wiki.
But this army was a French NKE, commanded by The Baron himself, Hubert!

The two Egyptian warlords stared at each other across the field of battle, both seeking clues to whether the opposition had built their army with the same theory as they themselves had done.
In this game, both sides had pretty close to minimal Chariots, but the Baron's men had elected for a more controllable, Impact Foot version with only a small core or wild and impetuous warriors.

The Loyalists had placed all their mercenaries in a long line in the centre, aiming to sweep forwards and contest the battle in uneven terrain whilst holding back both enemy wings with more shooting and stodgy troops.
The Baron's men, even though they were attacking, had gained a small benefit at deplyment by hiding their legendary Fred Flintstone Division of Impact Foot and bowmen behind a hill in their own deplyment area.
Many Giraffes had clearly given their lives unwillingly in order to cover the shields of the Flintstoneian infantry, and they carried them proudly before them as they emerged over the hillside
On the opposite flank the Barons small and multi-capable wing sent it's two Chariots forward to threaten the edges of the Loyalist army.
This put the Mediocre bowmen in a dilemma - should they fall back and buy time, or were two Chariots just about something the supported bowmen could deal with themselves.

Sod it, lets drive forward and start shooting!
Ya nhar eswed! With the Chariots too far away to both get in cleanly were they to charge, suddenly the Barons chariotry realised that their aggressive move may have in fact hung them out to dry, and if they did not dodge some incoming fire they could end up seriously embarassed by the poorest quality troops on the board for either side.

By now though the flanks were a mere sideshow as the two long, long lines of infantry smashed together at enormous speed.
The Loyalists had managed to engineer overlaps at both ends of the extremely long line of battle through some judicious use of "simply having loads more men" but the Barons infantry had a good scattering of well drilled Impact warriors of their own, who's stoic and careful approach to combat would see them go into the first round with an advantage against the less disciplined Meshwesh warriors in the pay of the Loyalist King.

With more important things happening elsewhere the Barons feint along the table edge decided that it probably was a potential pip sink that the rest of the army could ill afford
Immediately they turned tail and retreated, tempting the Mediocre Loyalist bowmen into a yet more aggressive frame of mind as they stared at their opponents retreating buttocks.

The Flintstone Division had been caught cold by the ferocity of the Loyalists advance to combat down the middle of the park.
Fred and his gang sat becalmed as pips were suddenly needed in the centre to shore up the flanks of their embattled centre.
Even were the Flintstones to get in their little foot-powered car and trundle forward they realised they might find themselves in some trouble as the Loyalists mix of Elite Chariots and reasonably solid Medium Spearmen was probably enough to ensure that something pointy would get into the Flintstone's vulnerable bowmen if they really wanted to.
The first round of combat echoed across the desert, the sound of clashing swords and leather on leather bouncing back from the flat faces of the Pyramids as the two sides slammed into each other at great pace.
Tutankhamun woudl have turned in his grave to see how the dice clattered, swords swung, and markers of all varieties as the effect of Overlaps at both ends of the line for the Loyalists vyed for supremacy against the Regular Impact sort of clever stuff of the Barons men.
And, as the desert dust settled, the two sides looked around and saw what seemed to be a pretty decisive advantage for the Loyalists, with 10 hits inflicted and only 3 received! Admittedly 4 of those hits were down to Furious Charge, but anyway, a decisive first round indeed.
With gaps all across their line the Barons men became quickly disheartened.
Their reserves were non-existant, everything had been committed to a first round which they needed to survive but the Meshwesh charge of the Loyalist mercenaries had swept them away.
As the combats rolled on the cumulative effect of ever more serious overlaps and the odd turned flank was seeing great gobbets of the Barons men consigned back to the storage tin as the army started simply to evaporate.
The line of battle stretched into the distance as the Barons men started to wilt even faster than an ice cream from the little shop round the corner in the blazing desert-like heat of the afternoon sun.
Viewed from this angle behind the right wing of the Barons army you can clearly see the refused right flank of the Loyalists over in the distance against which the Flintstone Gang have advanced into no-mans land. The Meshwesh are also starting to break through in the centre and in the foreground it is visible exactly how the erosion of both ends of the Barons line is freeing up ever more Loyalist Mercenaries to sweep forward and find targets of opportunity wherever they can
By The Beard of The Pharaoh! Flanks lie open as the Loyalist Mercenary Mighty Mighty Meshwesh cause merry havoc in all directions.
The Barons men simply have nowhere to turn as psychotic warriors from the lands across the water tear them to shreds from all sides

With the Barons army crumbling the Loyalists launch a series of attacks on its flanks, not so much to inflict further damage as the Meshwesh are well on their way to winning the game already
Instead they look more simply to occupy the extremities of the Barons army and prevent them, buy some unimaginable miracle, from reinforcing their failing centre and turning the tide.

Fences are failing all over the park as the Loyalists take advantage of the rapidly opening space to eviscerate the Flintstone Division from the flank.
Egyptian Warfare
Suddenly, a moment of calm. The entire centre of the Barons army has been removed from the tabletop with no losses for the Mighty Mighty Meshwesh and only a handful of other Loyalist casualties.
Mighty Mighty Bosstones
The Result is a huge and brutal win for the Loyalists!
Click here for the report of the next game in this competition, or read on for the post match summaries from the Generals involved, as well as another episode of legendary expert analysis from Hannibal
Post Match Summary from the New Kingdom Egyptian Commander
Hmmm.. The benefits of fighting civil wars consecutively are becoming clear, as my men are getting better at beating up their brothers, cousins, neighbours and members of their local bowling club as well - perhaps I need to promote that young Mr Barney Rubble as well, as he seems to have done very well leading his men in a skirmish on the edges of the game
This was a textbook battle where being bold and trusting to luck saw me and my men through to a famous victory. We knew that our opponent was probably cleverer than we were, so in order to minimuse his advantage I simply made sure to get everything into combat as soon as possible, and then let the dice decide.
After the first round and seeing how the Meshwesh went through the heart of the enemy army it was obvious that there was little more to be done other than finish off the battle and pick up the points.
What a great lesson for me, and for all of the readers in dealing with a more competent opponent eh?
Hannibal's Post Match Analysis
You spawny son of a crocodile, climbing fresh out of the Nile only to find a wounded antelope drinking in the shallows. This game saw your skill approach a nadir not seen since the 1st Dynasty, and when pyraid builders were still piling wooden blocks on top of one another in the playroom
I honestly struggle to say anything positive here other than to perhaps commend you on at last recognising your own lack of competence, and making a plan which matched it. Finally some sense seeps into that addled brain of yours, as if a fever brought on after eating street food from a Cairo roadside vendor
Somehow those mercenaries went through your opponent like that street food tends to do to me. But a case of physical and metal dysentry may not be enough to cleanse me of the sadness I feel as seeing a line up and attack matchup of equal armies take place for the fourth time this weekend
I know there is only one more NKE army in this pool. Will you complete a clean sweep of Civil Wars in the next game?
Click here for the report of the next game in this competition
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