Biblical at Campaign 2019
New Kingdom Egyptian vs New Kingdom Egyptian
Game 1 New Kingdom Egyptian vs New Kingdom Egyptian
Game 2 New Kingdom Egyptian vs New Kingdom Egyptian
Game 3 New Kingdom Egyptian vs New Kingdom Egyptian
Game 4 New Kingdom Egyptian vs New Kingdom Egyptian
Game 5 New Kingdom Egyptian vs New Kingdom Egyptian
Game 6 New Kingdom Egyptian vs Bedouin
The second game was underway before you could chow down on a Pret a Manger flatbread with middle eastern style historically appropriate fillings, and yet again my Egyptians found themselves facing another Egyptian army.
The lists for the New Kingdom Egyptian and New Kingdom Egyptian from this game, as well as all the other lists from the games at Campaign can be seen here in the L'Art de la Guerre Wiki.
Yet again the Nile landed, but this time the battle was taking place on the opposite bank (or my army was attacking in a different direction - who knows?).
With my usual supposition that my opponent would be more tooled up in the Chariot stakes than my army was I had dished out as many fields as possible in the Agricultural terrain type, aiming to give some decent spaces over which my vulnerable Medium Foot warriors could advance with impunity.

The opposing Egyptians were a smaller army, which presumably meant more high quality troops on table.
In the centre an unconventional deployment of Chariots at the heart of the enemy line looked to present a challenge to the maniac lunatics of the Meshwesh and Screaming Ab-Dab warriors of my army who stretched most of the way across the table, although there did look to be a matchup of Heavy Foot as well.

My army lurched immediately forwards, seeking to overrun the opposition with a wall of rubbish and greater width before they had time to react to the still-unconventional approach of the horde of attacking foot.
On the un-Nile side my army stretched into the distance, giving scope for my bowmen to form the effective overlap.
Egyptian Warfare III

As the two sides closed on each other rapidly lots of half and fully naked skirmishers exchanged javelins, arrows and sly admiring glances at each other from short distances whilst the main body of warriors girded their loins for a full-blooded attack.
My loyalist Egyptians had led with their right flank, seeing a potentual weakness in the line of near-identical troops facing them on this wing. As a result the advance was most speedy here, whereas in the distance a less confident bunch of Egyptians were hanging back to delay the moment of resolution as long as they safely could.

Even so, my left flank caution was matched by my opponents wish to seize the opportunity of pressing an advanatge where they saw one.
Immeasurably quickly the two sides were into combat all along much of the line that separated these brothers in Nile.
Both sides thought they had the advantage in the matchups on the right, which in a development of cunning cleverness meant that both had attacked rapidly on their respective right wings and both had hung back on my left seeking to delay combat where they felt relatively weaker, seeking to start combat sooner only where they had the upper hand.

Tactics and subtlety were not really in the dictionary of the Sea Peoples and Hairy Biker mercenary warriors in my army. More a wild attack with head feathers and barely clothed dangly bits waving in the wind as tyhey raced forward at pace.
With bowmen everywhere, they mercenary warriors knew they had to get into combat before being too badly shot up, and that was what they were intent on doing.

The game of warrior combat was a game of skill - and that skill was who could roll the best dice.
This time the skill came down decisively in my favour, and the enemy suffered a series of debilitating losses, picking up huge numbers of double effect hits as the enemy line bowed under the onslaught.

But, dice are fickle masters, and where I was winning on my right I was suffering terrible outrages on the supposedly refused left as the Elite Royal Guard Heavy Foot were outnumbered and outflanked by the slowest moving units in the enemy army.
This was clearly not a good place for the Royal Guard to be, but in seeking to extend on my right I had simply run out of bodies to put into the front line on my left and this gap was an inevitable consequence. As the rest of my army was dishing out some serious beatdown on their opposition, the staunchest warriors in my force were about to be flanked and overrun.

Tutankhamun would have turned in his grave to see how the battle started to ebb and flow dramatically as the enemy had a ridiculous change of fate and slammed back into the impetus-exhausted Sherden, issuing a cascade of hits along the line of previously jubilant and victorious Medium warriors.
Egyptian Warfare IV
This was traumatic for everyone!
All along the line the serious fragility of both armies was coming home to roost at a rate of knots as the lines of barbarians from across the Mediterranean hacked at each other with bronze and other types of non ferrous metal swords, axes and spears.
The extreme right of my line was where this fragility had come to roost for the Rebel Egyptians, as my Loyalist forces completed the bird metaphor by decisively pooping on the heads of their opponents in a round of deadly melee combat.
As the desert dust settled it became clear that the enemy line suddenly and utterly collapsed under the hammer blows of the aggressive infantry warriors of the Loyalist army!

Massive holes suddenly opened in the enemy battle line as hit points ran out and the impact of overlaps started to tip vast numbers of the enemy into the cardboard box of doom.
This looked very bad for the Rebel Egyptian army - at least on their left flank, which was now lying in ruined tatters.

By The Beard of The Pharaoh! The centre of the table was a totally different story as the line Rebel hairy mercenary warriors steamed forward and ploughed over the rather hapless Loyalist forces who had once stood there wearing silly hats and wide smiles and hoping to do well.
The table was fast turning into a windmill battle, with both sides seeing one huge part of their line utterly overrun by their opponents and frantically seeking to reorganise and then wheel their own victorious forces round to take advantage
The Nile-side combats were far more evenly distributed, with both armies trading combat blows and units.
On balance my brave forces of Mighty Mighty Meswesh were probably enjoying the rub of the green however - but whether that could survive the imminent enemy breakthrough onto the flank of the last unit of Royal Guardsmen was a question soon to be answered
Mighty Mighty Bosstones

In a move anticipating the recent European elections the Rebels centre-right was pretty much entirely vacated as the Mighty Mighty Meshwesh ran over what had now become the Invisible Meshwesh of my opponent.
This attack and collapse of resistance had opened up a gap for the warriors to rush right into to the squishy underbelly of second string archers as well - casualties were mounting up rapidly for my opponents

With the right wing in winning mode, all the left and centre needed to do now was hang on - and hang on they were doing, in grim fashion as Elite Chariotry went toe to toe at close quarters.
The semi-nudist Sherden sliced through the shocked enemy bowmen in short order, claiming ever-greater control of the right flank of the tabletop as victory crept ever closer.
Ya nhar eswed! The opposing Egyptians had been swept cleanly from vast swathes of the tabletop by the mad headlong rush to combat and overwhelming numbers of angry young men in my army. A victory for sustained and sharp aggression - what's not to like?
Click here for the report of the next game in this competition, or read on for the post match summaries from the Generals involved, as well as another episode of legendary expert analysis from Hannibal
Post Match Summary from the New Kingdom Egyptian Commander
Hmmm.. I appear to have commanded my men to a stunning victory, which resets the accidental disaster from the first battle in this campaign quite well. Quite what lessons I can impart to you, my eager followers of my divine countenance is a rather more tricky proposition though.
Leading from the front with a line of mad mercenaries does seem to be a more entertaining way to play than dancing around on a chariot, despite the fact that our Royal lineage does seem to prefer the two wheeled military metaphor. Perhaps in future we should just force the peasants to ride chariots too, so the training we go through in the Royal court is more useful?
With one win under our Egyptian belts, and my two team mates doing reasonably well too I think this weekend is shaping up rather nicely
Hannibal's Post Match Analysis
What a ham-fisted blunt instrument your army appears to be - quite by accident you may have stumbled upon something which is suited perfectly to your personality and mental acuity.
They do say never mind the quality, feel the width and here your opponent certainly had a good old handful of your width as the many men in your army just lucked out on a broad frontage
There was admittedly a modicum of tactics as you held back on the left and screamed forward on the right, but whether this was your choice or just an outcome of random pip allocation we may never actually know.
I am starting to hope you play some sort of different army in future as these Egyptian on Egyptian battles are rather confusing. Maybe we need to fast-forward to the next game
Click here for the report of the next game in this competition
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