
Yayoi Japanese

Historical Overview Section

The Yayoi people were an ancient people that immigrated to the Japanese archipelago during the Yayoi period (300 BC–300 AD) and are characterized through Yayoi material culture. Some argue for an earlier start of the Yayoi period, between 1000 and 800 BC, but this date is controversial. The people of the Yayoi culture are regarded as the spreaders of agriculture and the Japonic languages throughout the whole archipelago, and were characterized by both local Jōmon hunter-gatherer and mainland Asian migrant ancestry.

Using the army in ADLG

  • Its a lot of medium foot, so you need a lot of terrain
  • hint 2

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Army Lists

Sample army lists for this army

82 Yayoi Japanese Dryden
2 Light infantry bow Light infantry bow ------
4 Medium spear elite Medium spearmen Elite
2 Medium sword Medium swordsmen ------
2 Light infantry bow Light infantry bow ------
2 Medium sword Medium swordsmen Mediocre
3 Bowmen Bowmen ------
5 Medium sword Medium swordsmen ------
2 Light infantry bow Light infantry bow ------
2 Bowmen Bowmen ------
1 Bowmen with pavise Bowmen pavise ------
5 Medium sword Medium swordsmen ------
2 Medium sword Medium swordsmen Mediocre

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