
Serbian Empire

Historical Overview Section

At the beginning of the 1300's Serbia was at the center of a shifting web of alliances and was always more or less dependent on some of the neighbouring states — the Late Byzantines, Later Bulgarians and Later Hungarians. After 1325 and the accession of King Milutin, Serbia grew stronger despite having to occasionally fight wars on three different fronts. King Milutin was an apt diplomat much inclined to the use of a customary medieval diplomatic expedients — dynastic marriages. He was married five times, with Hungarian, Bulgarian and Byzantine princesses. Medieval Serbia reached its apex in the mid-14th century, during the rule of Tzar Stefan Dušan. Dušan doubled the size of his kingdom seizing territories to the south, southeast and east at the expense of Byzantium and conquered almost the entirety of today's Greece without Peloponnesia and the islands. After he conquered the city of Ser, he was crowned as the Emperor of the Serbs and Greeks by the first Serbian Patriarch in 1346. Before his sudden death, Stefan Dušan tried to organize a Crusade with the Pope against the threatening Turks. He died in December 1355 at the age 47

Tzar Stefan Dušan was succeeded by his son Uroš, called the Weak, a term that might also apply to the state of the kingdom, as it slowly slid into feudal anarchy. This is a period marked by the rise of a new threat: the Later Ottoman Turkish sultanate, which gradually spread from Asia to Europe and conquered Byzantium first, and then the other Balkan states. When Tzar Uroš died shortly after the Battle of Marica the Nemanjić dynasty was over. Lazar Hrebeljanović then emerged to unite most of Serbia with war and diplomacy, but before he was able to complete the task a greater threat, the Ottoman Empire began its first raids on Lazar's territory 1381, with the real invasion came in 1389.

Lazar gathered every soldier he could, leading an army consisting of Serbians, Bulgarians, Bosnians, Albanians, Vlachs and Czechs. On the 28th of July 1389 the two armies met at Kosovo, in what became known as the Battle of Kosovo. The attack began with the Serbs penetrating the first 2 lines of the Turkish army, and completely destroyed the right flank, under the command of the sultan's son, Yakub. At one point in the battle, a Serbian knight Miloš Obilić managed to assassinate the Ottoman sultan, Murad I. His son, Bayezid I, took command of the army and managed to defeat the Serbs and to capture Prince Lazar and execute him. The losses are unknown, but it is said that the Serbian-led army fought to the last man. After the Battle of Kosovo there was no army among the Balkan states capable of halting the advancing Ottoman Empire and the first victim was the Later Bulgarian Tarnovo state, which fell four years later. Serbia however managed to recuperate under despot Stefan Lazarević, surviving for 70 more years, experiencing a cultural and political renaissance, but after Stefan Lazarević's death, his successors from the House of Branković did not manage to stop the Ottoman advance. Serbia fell under the Ottomans control in 1459

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Army Lists

Sample army lists for this army
Early Serbs - Alicante 2025
5 Medium Kn Impetuous (1 x Elite, inc Competent General)
2 MF Bow Mediocre
2 HF Polearm
3 LF Bow
5 Medium Kn Impetuous (1 x Elite, inc Brilliant General)
2 LH Impact
3 LH Bow Elite
1 Medium Knight Impact + Included Ordinary Commander
2 MCv Impact Elite

243 Serbian Empire USTT 2020
5 Serbian nobles Medium knight impetuous Elite
2 Serbian Hussars Light cavalry impact Elite
2 Hungarians and Cumans Light cavalry bow ------
2 Serbians, Croats, or Bosniacs Bowmen Mediocre
1 Levy Levy ----
Ordinary Included
1 Serbian nobles (included general) Heavy knight impetuous Elite
2 Serbian Nobles Medium Knight impetuous Elite
1 Light infantry bow Light infantry bow ----
Competent Included
1 Serbian Nobles (included general) Heavy knight impetuous Elite
2 Serbian Nobles Medium Knight impetuous Elite
2 Serbian Hussars Light cavalry impact Elite
1 Light infantry bow Light infantry bow ----

200 Points
Roll Call 25mm 2019 (3rd place)
Brilliant Commander
6 Heavy Knights Impetuous Elite
1 Light Cavalry Impact Elite
1 Light Cavalry Bow Elite
2 Bowmen Mediocre
Ordinary Commander
2 Heavy Knights Impact Ordinary
1 Light Cavalry Impact Elite
1 Light Cavalry Bow Elite
Ottoman Ally
1 Heavy Cavalry Impact/Bow Elite, Included Ordinary Commander
2 Medium Cavalry Bow Elite
2 Light Cavalry Bow Ordinary
1 Light Infantry Bow Ordinary

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