
Sassanid Persian

Historical Overview Section

The birth of the army dates back to the rise of Ardashir I (r. 224–241), the founder of the Sasanian Empire, to the throne. Ardashir aimed at the revival of the Persian Empire, and to further this aim, he reformed the military by forming a standing army which was under his personal command and whose officers were separate from satraps, local princes and nobility. He restored the Achaemenid military organizations, retained the Parthian cavalry model, and employed new types of armour and siege warfare techniques. This was the beginning for a military system which served him and his successors for over 400 years, during which the Sasanian Empire was, along with the Roman Empire and later the East Roman Empire, one of the two superpowers of Late Antiquity in Western Eurasia. The Sasanian army protected Eranshahr ("the realm of Iran") from the East against the incursions of central Asiatic nomads like the Hephthalites and Turks, while in the west it was engaged in a recurrent struggle against the Roman Empire

In the character of their warfare, the Persians of the Sasanian period differed greatly from their forebears under the Achaemenid kings. The principal changes which time had brought about were an almost entire disuse of the war chariot, the advance of the elephant corps into a very prominent and important position, and the increased use and pre-eminence of cavalry on the Parthian model, including both heavy cataphracts and horse-archers. Four main arms of the service were recognized, each standing on a different level: the elephants, the horse, the archers, and the ordinary footmen

The Army
The Sassanid army came ito being under Ardashir I (r. 226–241), the founder of the Sassanid dynasty. He reformed the military by forming a standing army which was under his personal command, restoring much of the Achaemenid military organization but combining it with Parthian cavalry and tactics, adding new types of armour and siege warfare techniques. The resulting system served him and his successors for over 400 years.

The backbone of the army was its heavy armoured cavalry - the Saravan - noblemen (semi-feudal knights) who underwent extensive military training. They were supported by armoured horse archers in an upgrading of Parthian practices. Sassanid cavalry tactics were adopted by the Romans, Arabs, and Turks. The Romans had previously fought mounted opponents namely the Early Sarmatians and Parthians however the recurrent wars with the Sassanids were an important factor in the Roman adoption of heavy cavalry in the 3rd and 4th centuries, termed Clibanarii. The Byzantine emperor Maurikios also emphasized in his Strategikon that many of the Sassanid heavy cavalry did not carry spears, relying on their bows as their primary weapons

Shapur II (r. 309-379) further reformed the army by adopting heavier and more effective cataphract cavalry clad in thick iron plates which covered their entire body. Some were armed with a lance and some with a sword and/or mace. The two types of heavy cavalry was complemented by lighter cavalry, recruited from among the sassanids allies and supplemented by mercenary troops. Gelani (Guilani), Albani, Hephthalites, Kushans and the Khazars were the main suppliers of this light- to medium-armoured cavalry.

Although in the early part of the period there are reports of well armoured Sassanid infantry - often taking part in the many sieges they undertook to shift the Romans from their cities - the usual view of Sassanid foot is one of lightly-armoured spearmen, who, like their Achaemenid ancestors, were levied troops of little fighting ability. Procopius of Caesarea famously derided them as "a crowd of pitiable peasants who come into battle for no other purpose than to dig through walls and to despoil the slain and in general to serve the soldiers".

The cavalry were supported by Elephants and elite foot archers who showered the enemy with storms of arrows. Elephants were recruited from India, but only in limited numbers. In some of the earlier Sassanid battles against the Arabs the victory was regarded as gained mainly by elephants.

Using the army in ADLG

  • A proper "Elite Shooty Cavalry" army in the Classical/Roman period.
  • The elephants are interesting but may distract from the shoot-and-scoot speciality of the core army. But a Death Star (2 Dailami + 1 Elephant) is always great. Remember to buy LF to screen your elephants
  • The Cataphracts are similarly a heavyweight option which can end up limiting your strategic choices with the list.
  • Kushan offers an interesting ally, with yet more elephants and some bow armed infantry that can soak up space
  • A lot may depend on whether this is an in-theme event or a more open competition. Cataphracts are especially useful against Roman-era armies, but come unstuck against proper Knights

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Army Lists

Sample army lists for this army
Codgers 2024
109 Sassanid Middlemist
6 Sassanid levy Heavy spearmen Mediocre
4 Kamandaran Bowmen ------
2 Slingers Light infantry sling ------
4 Asavaran Cataphract Elite
2 Horse archers Light cavalry bow ------
4 Horse archers Medium cavalry bow
2 Horse archers Light cavalry bow

Warfare 2022 (V4)
4 Asavaran with Lance Cataphract Elite
2 Horse Archers Light cavalry bow ------
3 Light Infantry Light infantry bow ------
2 Light Infantry Light infantry sling ------
2 Sassanid Levy Levy ------
4 Asavaran with Bow Heavy cavalry bow Elite
1 Horse Archers Light cavalry bow ------
6 Horse Archers Light cavalry bow

Lisboa 2022
4 HCv Bow Elite
1 LH Bow
Included Competent
3 HCv Bow Elite
1 LH Bow
2 Ordinary Cataphracts
Competent General
1 Elephant
2 Levy
1 Archer
1 LG Bow
1 LH Bow
2 Supported Dailami
1 LF Javelin

109 Sassanid (Early) (v4 Devonian Classic List)
3 Cataphract Elite
1 Medium cavalry bow ------
2 Light cavalry bow ------
2 Cataphract ------
3 Elephant ------
3 Light infantry bow ------
2 Medium spearmen Mediocre
2 Javelinmen ------
2 Light infantry sling ----
3 Light cavalry bow ------

Mike Bennetts Sassanid
5 Hcv Asarvan
1 Javelinman
1 LH Bow
Competent General
1 Elite Asarvan Included General
1 LH Bow
1 Asarvan Hcv
4 Elite Cataphracts
2 Levy Mediocre Heavy Spear
1 LF Bow
2 LF Sling
1 Bow
1 Levy Medium Mediocre Spear
1 Javelinman
Brilliant General

300 AP USTT Doubles ARmy
3 Elephants
3 Dailami
3 LF Bow
3 Levy Spear
1 Levy Levy
2 Asarvan HCv Bow Elite
2 Asarvan HCv Bow
2 LCm Bow
Competent Included Unreliable
2 Asarvan HCv Bow Elite
2 Asarvan HCv Bow
2 LCv Bow
Competent Included
3 Elite Cataphracts
2 Cataphracts
Asarvan 2 HCv Bow
Ordinary Included

200 AP singles
1 Elephant
2 Asarvan Elite
3 LF Bow
2 Levy Spear
2 Asarvan HCv Bow
2 LH Bow
Brilliant General
2 Asarvan Elite
2 Asarvan Ordinary
1 Bedouin LCm Bow
Competent Included General
3 Alan MCv Bow
1 LH Alan Bow
1 Alan Noble HCv with Allied Competent General

Burton 2020 325 points Sassanid
Cataphracts c 4
Light horse x 2
Medium spear poor
Asarvan x elite x 4
2 LH bow
Cataphracts x 2
Elephants x 2
Light foot bow x 4
Javelins x 2
Levy spears x 2
2 elephants
2 levy spear
2 LF sling
2 Asarvan elite
Levy levy average
1 javeliman

PAW 2020
2 Elephants
2 Dailami
2 LF Bow
1 LH Bow
3 Elite Clibanarii
Brilliant Included
4 Cataphracts
Competent Included General
2 Levy
3 ordinary Clibanarii
1 LH Bow
Included Competent

USTT Winning Team (Noodlers) 2019
109 Sassanid Noodlers
1 Asavaran Heavy cavalry bow ------
2 Dailami Guards Medium swordsmen impact Elite
2 Elephants Elephant ------
1 Levy Levy ------
2 Hill Tribesmen Javelinmen ----
2 Lights Light infantry bow ----
2 Lights Light infantry sling ------
Brilliant, included, Unreliable
1 Asavaran* Heavy cavalry bow Elite
3 Asavaran Heavy cavalry bow ------
2 Horse Archers Light cavalry bow ------
Ordinary, included
3 Replaced Asavaran Cataphract Elite
1 Levy Levy ------

Britcon 2018
109 Sassanid Allen
2 Asawaran Heavy cavalry bow Elite
2 Elephants Elephant ------
2 Levy Medium spearmen Mediocre
2 Hill Tribesmen Javelinmen ------
2 LI Bow Light infantry bow ----
1 LI Sling Light infantry sling ----
4 Asawaran Heavy cavalry bow Elite
1 Horse Archers Light cavalry bow ------
1 Arab Aux Light camelry bow Mediocre
Ordinary Included
2 Replaced Asawaran * Cataphract Elite
1 Horse Archers Light cavalry bow ------
1 LI Sling Light infantry sling ----

USTT 2018 200ap
3 Asarvan Cataphracts Elite
1 Asarvan HC Bow Elite
1 Elephant
2 Levy Med Spearmen Mediocre
1 Hill Tribe Li Bow
2 LH Bow
1 Elephant
2 Levy again
1 LI Bow Hill Tribe
4 Elite Asarvan HCv Bow
2 LH Bow

200 AP
Not a great list this - the 6-strong Asarvan command should have been split into two, with 2-3 Asarvan being included with the Death Star command instead - as it was they have too much command and control locked up in a command which will just roll forwards. The Cataphracts were also one short of being a sensible force, as 2 was not enough to protect the flank of the General.

1 Elephants Elephant ------
2 Dailami Guardsmen Medium swordsmen impact Elite
2 Sassanian levy Levy ------
1 Hill tribesmen Light infantry javelin ------
Competent Included
1 Horse Archers Light cavalry bow ------
2 Cataphact Cataphract Elite
3 Asavaran Heavy cavalry bow Elite
2 Asavaran Heavy cavalry bow Elite
1 Horse Archers Light cavalry bow
4 Asavaran Heavy cavalry bow ------

200A CLWC 2017
Army Corps 1
CinC Brilliant 6pts
3 x Asavaran Heavy Cavalry Bow Elite @ 13 39pts
1 x Asavaran Heavy Cavalry Bow #Ordinary @11 11pts
2 x Horse Archers Light Cavalry Bow Ordinary @ 6 12pts
Sub General Competent Included 0pts
1 x Asavaran (general) Cataphract Elite @ 13 13pts
3 x Asavaran Cataphract Elite @13 39pts
2 x Horse Archers Light Cavalry Bow Ordinary @ 6 12pts
Sub General Competent 3pts
3 x Elephants Ordinary @13 39pts
2 x Sassanid Levy Medium Spearman Mediocre @ 5 10pts
4 x Light Infantry Sling Ordinary @ 4 6pts

200AP Derby 2017 list
Included Strategist
4 German landsknechts Pikemen
2 foot knights Foot Knight
1 Levy Levy
Competent Included
4 Cataphracts Cataphract Elite
Competent included
4 asarvan Heavy cavalry bow
2 horse archers Light cavalry bow
2 levy Levy

200 AP Worlds 2017 list
4 Cataphracts
2 LH Bow
1 LF Bow
Competent General
4 Clibanarii Elite
2 LH Javelins
Competent General
4 Cataphracts
4 Levy
Brilliant General

300AP Challenge 2017 Madaxeman
3 Elephants
2 Dailami
3 Levy
3 LI Bow
1 LI Javelin
1 LI Sling
5 Asarvan
2 LH Bow
4 Asarvan
2 LH Bow
3 Elite Cataphracts
2 Ordinary Cataphracts
(All Generals Competent)

300AP Richard Case Challenge 2017
Ordinary, Unreliable
2 Asavaran Heavy cavalry bow Elite
4 Horse archers Light cavalry bow ------
3 Asavaran Cataphract Elite
2 Asavaran Heavy cavalry bow Elite
1 Hill tribesmen Javelinmen ------
1 Elephants Elephant ----
3 Sassanid Levy Levy ------
1 Hill tribesmen Light infantry bow ----
Ordinary, Included
3 Asavaran Cataphract Elite
1 Arab auxilliaries Light camelry bow Mediocre
Kushan Ally, Brilliant
3 Nobles Cataphract Elite
4 Horse archers Light cavalry bow ------
1 Elephants Elephant ------
1 Skirmishers Light infantry bow ------
1 Indian horsemen Medium cavalry Mediocre
2 Indian archers ½ Medium swordsmen ½ Bowmen ----

Hubert Bretagne, Challenge 2017
3 Elephants
2 Dailami
3 Levy Medium Spear
3 LI Javelin
3 LI Sling
6 Asarvan
2 LH Bow
3 Asarvan (inc General)
2 LH Bow
3 Asarvan (inc General)
2 LH Bow

200AP Ian Mackay Pre Dailami from C London
3 Elephants Elephant ------
1 Dailami Guardsmen Medium swordsmen impact missile support Elite
1 Dailami Guardsmen Medium swordsmen impact Elite
2 Light Infantry Light infantry javelin ------
1 Light Infantry Light infantry bow ----
3 Sassanid Levy Levy ----
4 Asavaran Cataphract
1 Light Infantry Light infantry bow
2 Light Infantry Light infantry sling
3 Asavaran Heavy cavalry bow Elite
2 Horse Archers Light cavalry bow ------

3 Elephants Elephant ------
2 Aux Medium spearmen Mediocre
2 Psiloi, Jav Light infantry javelin ------
1 Psiloi, Bow Light infantry bow ------
1 Light Camel Light camelry bow Mediocre
5 Cats Cataphract
1 H Cav Heavy cavalry bow
1 LH Light cavalry bow
2 H Cav Heavy cavalry bow
4 LH Light cavalry bow
1 Psiloi, bow Light infantry bow

200 AP list
Brilliant General
3 Elephants Elephant ------
1 Dailami Guardsmen Medium swordsmen impact missile support Elite
1 Dailami Guardsmen Medium swordsmen impact Elite
2 Light Infantry Light infantry javelin ------
1 Light Infantry Light infantry bow ----
3 Sassanid Levy Levy ----
Competent General
4 Asavaran Cataphract
1 Light Infantry Light infantry bow
2 Light Infantry Light infantry sling
Competent General
3 Asavaran Heavy cavalry bow Elite
2 Horse Archers Light cavalry bow ------

200 Point List used at Roll Call
Corps 1: Brilliant

  • 5 Asavaran* Heavy cavalry bow Elite
  • 1 Archers à cheval Light cavalry bow
  • 1 Levées Levy ------

Corps 2: Competent unreliable

  • 3 Eléphants Elephant ------
  • 2 Infanterie légère Light infantry sling ------
  • 1 Infanterie légère Light infantry bow ------
  • 1 Levées Medium spearmen Poor

Corps 3: Competent unreliable

  • 3 Asavaran* Cataphract Elite
  • 1 Asavaran* Heavy cavalry bow ------
  • 1 Archers à cheval Light cavalry bow ------
  • 2 Tribu montagnarde Light infantry javelin ----

200 Point List from Britcon 16
3 Asavaran Heavy cavalry bow
4 Horse Archers Light cavalry bow
2 Asavaran Cataphract
2 Asavaran Cataphract
2 Light Infantry Light infantry bow
2 Light Infantry Light infantry sling
2 Asavaran Cataphract Elite
2 Asavaran Cataphract ------
2 Arab Auxilias Light cavalry javelin ----
2 Sassanid Levy Levy ----

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