
Ottoman Empire

Historical Overview Section

The first military unit of the Ottoman State was an army that was organized by Osman I from the tribesmen inhabiting western Anatolia in the late 13th century. The military system became an intricate organization with the advance of the Empire. The Ottoman military was a complex system of recruiting and fief-holding. The main corps of the Ottoman Army included:

  • Janissary: Infantry units recruited at a very young age from the non-Muslim ethnic groups of the Empire and raised as Muslim Turkish warriors, also forming the Sultan's household troops and bodyguard. Most of the recruits were Christian Balkans.
  • Sipahi: Elite cavalry knights who were granted tımars (fiefs) throughout the Empire's lands. Their alternative name was Tîmârlı Sipahi (Enfiefed Knight).
  • Akıncı: Frontline cavalry units of the Ottoman Army which raided and scouted the border areas and outposts. These units were known as ghazis before the establishment of the Ottoman army and contributed significantly to early Ottoman success against the Palaiologan army.
  • Mehterân: Ottoman Army Band which played martial tunes during military campaigns. The mehterân was usually associated with the Janissary corps.

The Ottoman army was once among the most advanced fighting forces in the world, being one of the first to employ muskets. The Ottoman cavalry used bows and short swords and often applied nomad tactics similar to those of the Mongol Empire, such as pretending to retreat while surrounding the enemy forces inside a crescent-shaped formation and then making the real attack.

Starting from the Battle of Kosovo in 1389 and the Battle of Nicopolis in 1396, the Ottoman army quickly advanced towards central Europe, capturing Hungary with the Battle of Mohács in 1526 and twice laying siege to Vienna, in 1529 and 1683. However, the decline in the army's performance became evident from the mid 17th century and after the Great Turkish War, the Ottoman army's reputation as one of the most feared fighting forces in the world was never regained. The 18th century saw some limited success against Venice, but in the north the European-style Russian armies forced the Ottomans to concede land.

Using the army in ADLG

  • You may be best off defending and hanging back with this army
  • The Serbs may also - maybe - be a mistake as they force you to attack in just one place
  • If you do take them then the rest of the army needs to be a Serb Delivery Machine.

!!Useful Links
User-contributed links about this army:

Success stats from competitions for this army

Army Lists

Sample army lists for this army
Alicante 2025 -Tony
2 MCv Bow
HCv Quackapulu
1 LH Impact Elite
1 LH Bow
3 Serbs HKn Impetuous
Included Ordinary Commander
1 LF Bow
1 LH Impact Elite
2 Ghazis
3 Janissaries
1 XBow
1 Quackapulu
2 MCv Bow
1 LF Bow
2 LF javelin
1 LH Bow
Brilliant Commander

Uwe's Ottomans Alicante 25
2 LH Bow
1 HCv Quakkapulu (Included Ordinary Commander)
3 HCv Bow Elite
3 Janissaries
2 Levy
12 LH Bow Elite
1 HCv Bow Elite
1 LH Impact Elite
2 LH Bow
1 Ghazis
1 HCv Quakkypulo included Ordinary Commander
1 MCv Bow Elite
1 LH Bow
1 LH Impact Elite

Lockdown Podcast #14
Tims Army
1 Quakapulu with ordinary general
1 Medium Cv Bw
1 Deli
1 Akinji
Brilliant General
3 Cv Bow Elite
1 MCv Bw
1 Deli Elite
1 Akinji
3 Janissaries
1 HCv Bw Elite
1 Quakapulu
1 Med Cv Bw
2 Akinjis
2 LF Bow

Dave's List
3 janisarries medium swordsmen bow elite
2 akinji light cavalry bow ------
3 sipahi heavy cavalry bow elite
3 sipahi medium cavalry bow ------
Ordinary Included
1 Qapakulu general heavy cavalry impact bow elite
1 Qapakulu heavy cavalry impact bow elite
1 akinji light cavalry bow ------
1 turkomen light cavalry bow elite
Ordinary Unreliable
1 warwagon War wagon firearm ----
1 azab bowmen bowmen mediocre
1 levy levy ----
1 heavy artillery Heavy artillery ----
1 akinji light cavalry bow ----
1 azab bowmen light infantry bow ----
3 Fortifications

251 Ottoman Carroll Britcon 2019
4 Sipahis Heavy cavalry bow Elite
3 Jannissaries Medium swordsmen bow Elite
2 Akinjis horse archers Light cavalry bow ------
1 Azabs Bowmen Mediocre
1 Azabs Light infantry bow ------
Ordinary Included
2 Qupukalqu (inc) Heavy cavalry impact bow Elite
2 Akinjis horse archers Light cavalry bow ------
Ordinary Included Ally Serbs
3 Serbian Nobles (inc) Heavy knight impetuous Elite
1 Serbian Hussars Light cavalry impact Elite
1 Serbian Archers Bowmen Mediocre

251 Ottoman
Ordinary Included
4 Siphais Medium cavalry bow ------
2 Qapukulu Heavy cavalry impact bow Elite
1 Azab Handgunner Light infantry firearm Elite
2 Siphais Medium cavalry bow ------
4 Janissaries Medium swordsmen bow Elite
4 Azab Light infantry bow ----
4 Akinji Light cavalry bow
3 Bedouins Light cavalry impact

2019 Worlds - Dan Hazlewood
Ordinary Included
1 Qapukulu Heavy cavalry impact bow Elite
1 Siphais Medium cavalry bow Elite
1 Akinci Light cavalry bow
2 Jannisary Medium swordsmen bow Elite
1 Azab Bow Bowmen
1 Azab Handgunner Light infantry firearm
1 War Wagon War wagon firearm
2 Siphais Medium cavalry bow Elite
1 Siphais Medium cavalry bow
1 Akinci Light cavalry bow
1 Siphais Medium cavalry bow
1 Siphais Medium cavalry bow Elite
2 Akinci Light cavalry bow
2 Azab Bow Light infantry bow
2 Jannisary Medium swordsmen bow Elite
1 Qapukulu Heavy cavalry impact bow Elite

Ordinary Included
1 Qapukulu Heavy cavalry impact bow Elite
1 Siphais Medium cavalry bow
2 Akinci Light cavalry bow
3 Siphais Heavy cavalry bow Elite
1 Siphais Medium cavalry bow
2 Akinci Light cavalry bow
1 Siphais Heavy cavalry bow Elite
1 Siphais Medium cavalry bow
1 Qapukulu Heavy cavalry impact bow Elite
2 Akinci Light cavalry bow
3 Jannisary Medium swordsmen bow Elite
2 Azab Bow Light infantry bow

200AP Roll Call 2016
3 Janissaries Medium swordsmen bow Elite
2 Voynuks Heavy swordsmen 2hw ------
2 Spearmen Heavy spearmen ------
2 Akinji Horse Archers Light cavalry bow ------
2 Azabs Light infantry bow ----
1 Sipahis Medium cavalry bow Elite
1 Sipahis Heavy cavalry bow Elite
Ordinary Included
1 Sipahis Heavy cavalry bow Elite
2 Akinji Horse Archers Light cavalry bow ------
------- ----
1 Sipahis Medium cavalry bow Elite
Serb Included Ordinary Ally
3 Serbian Nobles Medium knight impetuous Elite
1 Serbians Bowmen ----
1 Serbian Hussars Light cavalry impact Elite

200 Points
Thomas Mastrieu' army from The Worlds 2016
4 sipahis Heavy cavalry bow Elite
4 akinjs Light cavalry bow ------
Ordinary, Unreliable
4 janissaires Medium swordsmen bow Elite
2 azabs Light infantry bow ------
Ordinary Serb Included Ally
2 Nobles Serbes Heavy Knight impetuous Elite
2 Nobles Serbes Heavy Knight impetuous
2 Hussards serbes Light cavalry impact Elite
1 Bowmen Mediocre

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