Historical Overview Section
The Byzantine Empire reached its height under the Macedonian emperors (of Armenian and Greek descent) of the late 9th, 10th, and early 11th centuries, when it gained control over the Adriatic Sea, southern Italy, and all of the territory of tsar Samuel of the Early Bulgars. The cities of the empire expanded, and affluence spread across the provinces because of the new-found security. The population rose, and production increased, stimulating new demand while also helping to encourage trade. Culturally, there was considerable growth in education and learning. Ancient texts were preserved and patiently re-copied. Byzantine art flourished, and brilliant mosaics graced the interiors of the many new churches. Though the empire was significantly smaller than during the reign of Justinian, it was also stronger, as the remaining territories were less geographically dispersed and more politically and culturally integrated
The soldier emperors Nikephoros II Phokas (reigned 963–969) and John I Tzimiskes (969–976) fought against the Rus and also expanded the empire well into Syria, defeating the emirs of north-west Iraq and reconquering Crete and Cyprus. At one point under John, the empire's armies even threatened Jerusalem, far to the south. The emirate of Aleppo and its neighbours became vassals of the empire in the east, where the greatest threat to the empire was the Fatimid Egyptian kingdom. After much campaigning, the last Arab threat to Byzantium was defeated when Basil II rapidly drew 40,000 mounted soldiers to relieve Roman Syria. With a surplus of resources and victories thanks to the Early Bulgar and Syrian campaigns, Basil II planned an expedition against Sicily to re-take it from the Arabs there. After his death in 1025, the expedition set off in the 1040s and was met with initial, but stunted success.
Sowing the Dragon's Teeth: Byzantine Warfare in the Tenth Century has translations of the two key military manuals of the era, the Praecepta militaria of Nikephoros Phokas and the revised version included in the Taktika of Nikephoros Ouranos - outlining the tactical system used by Byzantine armies in campaigns against Muslim forces in Cilicia and Syria. Products of experienced soldiers, the texts offer a realistic view of Byzantine warfare and reveal the sophistication of Byzantine military science. Eric Mc Geer places the treatises in military historical context; explores the factors that led the Byzantine army to fight as it did; and investigates morale, discipline, and leadership - all of which determined the difference between failure and success.
Using the army in ADLG
- Skoutatoi can seem really good when you first start playing, but once your opponents learn how to survive the shooting and get into them coherently they become a large speedbump if deployed in an overly numerous fashion
- Concentrate the spearmen into one command rather than hoping to use them to stiffen the Skoutatoi
- Some Medium Cavalry Bow might dilute the high cost of the rest of the mounted force
- You have to be prepared to deploy on one side of the table and swing round rapidly onto the enemy flank - the army can otherwise struggle to cover enough frontage to avoid being overwhelmed
- It's hard to feel you are getting value from the shooting of the Kavallry sometimes, but even an odd hit does help.
- Counter-intuitively, closing down the table with a waterway or a village your LF can hold will give the infantry block of this army something to anchor itself on, and something for the enemt to target. This then stretches the enemy out on the other flank, where your mixed cavalry can then go to town
Useful Links
User-contributed links about this army. Add links in this format:
- Building a viable list for this army : A Madaxeman.com Podcast, discussion starts at 51 minutes
- Shield Patterns from Luke Ueda Sarsons pages
- 6mm pictures of this army !
- Shattered Lances rules lists with good background material
- Nikephorian Q&A useful detail on the army composition
- Small Sagas a blog site with nice painting
15mm Manufacturers supplying figures for this army
You can see some of the figures in the Ancients Photo Gallery also on this site. Many manufacturers produce just one "Byzantine" range, not specifying which era they are for (but most are Maurikian era I suspect). All generic "Byzantine" ranges have been listed here, together with any specifically noted for particular eras. For Latin or other allied troops, use Crusader or other knights of a similar timeframe. 700AD - in the Thematic list - is as good a date as any for round shields to start to change over to kite shields. For Varangians, consider using something from the Viking page.
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- Essex Miniatures - Several Byzantine ranges. 8 Maurikians, 7 Thematics, 10 Nikephorians & 5 Generic Psiloi for all eras in their Ancients ranges. For Nikeforians Essex have two lancers suitable to use, BZA14 Thematic Kataphraktoi and BZA23 Tagmatic Kataphraktoi. In addition, BZA20 Trapezitoi could be used as a lancer if the tunic is painted in such a way as to resemble quilted/padded armor. They also have four useable horse archers: BZA15, BZA16, BZA22, and BZA24.
- Donnington 22 Byzantines, including a Belisarius general figure (a clue to them being fairly early maybe..) plus a 23-strong C12-13 range
- Museum Miniatures - 17 Byzantines, reasonably early period.
- Black Hat Miniatures (previously Gladiator Games) - 10 Komnenans in their Crusades range
- Old Glory 15's - 12 Belisarians, and 22 codes in a "7th-13th Century Byzantine" range
- Minifigs - 21 Byzantines, from C7-C11 in their Dark Ages range, 5 more C11-13 ones in their Crusades range
- Irregular Miniatures - 21 Byzantines, with Nikephorian, Tagmatic, Thematic, Maurikian and Belisarian cavalry listed as well as CC7-10 oval-shield foot and C11-13 kite-shielded foot
- Tin Soldier 21 10th & 11th Century Byzantines
- Battle Line Miniatures (NZ) Same range as Isarus
- Isarus - sold by 15mm.co.uk 18 Byzantines, kite-shielded lancers and round-shielded bowmen
- Outpost Wargame Services 10 Crusade-era Byzantines
- Khurasan Miniatures - 20-odd Nikephorian Byzantines (kite shield infantry)
- Viking Forge - Generic range of 20 or so Byzantines, Tagmatic and Thematic cavalry are listed
- 50 Paces/Miniature Wars - 10 -strong Belisarian (early) range including Belisarius
- Splintered Light Their Sub Roman British woudl make reasonable Varangians as they have the right mix of hairyness combined with a bit of Roman-style drill and polish.
Army Lists
Sample army lists for this army
Lisbon 2023
5 Mixed HCv (4 elite)
1 Lh Bow
3 of something else
3 LH Impact
Ordinary General (Ally)
2 LF Javelin
2 Soutatoi
1 Varangian
1 LH Bow
4 Mixed HCv Ordinary
1 MF Polearm
PAW 2023 v4
5 Tagmatic Cav Heavy cavalry impact/½ bow
2 LC Light cavalry bow
2 Spear ½ Heavy spearmen ½ Bowmen
Ordinary Included
2 Mercenaries Heavy swordsmen 2HW ------
2 Varangian Guard Heavy swordsmen armour 2HW Elite
2 Spear ½ Heavy spearmen ½ Bowmen ------
Competent Unreliable
3 Tagmatic Cav Heavy cavalry impact/½ bow
2 LC Light cavalry bow
Britcon 2022 (V4)
3 Tagmatic Cavalry Heavy cavalry impact/½ bow Elite
2 Thematic Kavallarioi Heavy cavalry impact/½ bow
1 Prokoursatores Light cavalry bow
3 Skoutatoi ½ Heavy spearmen ½ Bowmen
2 Javelinmen Javelinmen
Ordinary Included
1 Tagmatic Cavalry (Incl Gen) Heavy cavalry impact/½ bow Elite
2 Thematic Kavallarioi Heavy cavalry impact/½ bow
3 Skoutatoi ½ Heavy spearmen ½ Bowmen
1 Light Infantry Bow Light infantry bow
Ordinary Included Unreliable
1 Tagmatic Cavalry (Incl Gen) Heavy cavalry impact/½ bow Elite
1 Prokoursatores Light cavalry bow
Britcon 2022 (V4)
2 tagmatic cavalry Heavy cavalry impact/½ bow Elite
1 varangian guard Heavy swordsmen armour 2HW Elite
2 varangian mercenaries Heavy swordsmen 2HW
2 skoutatoi heavy spearmen support
1 Kataphraktoi cataphract elite
2 light infantry javelin light infantry javelin
Ordinary Included
3 tagmatic cavalry Heavy cavalry impact/½ bow Elite
2 thematic Kavallarioi Medium cavalry impact/½ bow
3 prokoursatores light cavalry bow
Ordinary Included
1 tagmatic cavalry Heavy cavalry impact/½ bow Elite
1 prokoursatores light cavalry bow
1 thematic kavallarioi Medium cavalry impact/½ bow
Britcon 2022 (V4)
Ordinary Included Unreliable
1 Tagmatic cavalry Heavy cavalry impact/½ bow Elite
2 Tagmatic cavalry Heavy cavalry impact/½ bow
1 Cumans or Pechenegs Light cavalry bow
2 Kataphraktoi Cataphract Elite
2 Russ or Varangian mercenaries Heavy spearmen
2 Russ or Varangian mercenaries Heavy swordsmen 2HW
1 Light infantry javelin
1 Greek fire syphon Light infantry incendiary
1 Tagmatic cavalry Heavy cavalry impact/½ bow Elite
2 Tagmatic cavalry Heavy cavalry impact/½ bow
1 Cumans or Pechenegs Light cavalry bow
4 Skoutatoi ½ Heavy spearmen ½ Bowmen
Third at Britcon 2022 (V4)
1 skutatoi Heavy spearmen support
3 russians or vangarians Heavy swordsmen 2HW
2 katapharaktoi Cataphract Elite
2 light infantry Light infantry bow
1 light infantry Light infantry javelin
1 prokoursatores Light cavalry bow
1 light infantry sling Light infantry sling
3 Skutatoi in mixed units ½ Heavy spearmen ½ Bowmen
2 tagmatic Kavallaroi Heavy cavalry impact/½ bow Elite
1 prokoursatores Light cavalry bow
1 light infantry Light infantry javelin
Ordinary, Included
1 tagmatic Kavallaroi with general Heavy cavalry impact/½ bow Elite
2 tagmatic kavallaroi Heavy cavalry impact/½ bow Elite
1 prokoursatores Light cavalry bow
Dave Allen German Open 2022 (V4)
4 Almost-Varangian 2HW HI
1 Inceendiary LF
1 Bow LF
2 Elite Cataphracts
2 LF Javelins
Competent General
2 Half and Half HCv
3 Shoutatoi
1 LF Bow
1 LH Bow
1 Half and Half HCv Elite
2 Half and Half HCv
1 Half and Half HCv Elite
1 LH Bow
Included General
Bulgar vs Byzantine Podcast Lists
Richards List
Competent Included
1 Tagmatic cavalry Heavy cavalry impact bow Elite
2 Tagmatic cavalry Heavy cavalry impact bow ------
1 Prokoursatores Light cavalry bow ------
Ordinary Unreliable
2 Kataphractoi Cataphract Elite
4 Varangians Heavy swordsmen 2HW ----
2 Psiloi Light infantry bow ----
2 Psiloi Light infantry javelin ----
1 Tagmatic cavalry Heavy cavalry impact bow Elite
1 Tagmatic cavalry Heavy cavalry impact bow ------
2 Prokoursatores Light cavalry bow ------
4 Skoutatoi in mixed units ½ Heavy spearmen ½ Bowmen ----
Daves List
4 Mixed Skoutatoi
1 Varangian
2 LF Bow
2 Katafractoi Elite
2 LF Javelin
1 Tagmatic with General Elite
2 more Tagmatic
1 LH Bow
Competent Included
1 Tagmatic with General Elite
1 Tagmatic Elite
1 LH Bow
1 MCv Bow
Fortified Camp
Tims List
1 LH Bow
3 Tagmatic Elite
2 Skoutatoi
2 Tagmatic non elite
1 Cataphract
2 Skoutatoi
1 LH Bow
2 Rus Spearmen
1 LF Javelin
Georgian Ally
3 Georgian Nobles HCv Impetuous Elite
1 LH Bow
1 Georgian HCv Impetuous
Adams List Lockdown Podcast #10
Brilliant General
4 Skoutatoi
2 Varangians 2HW
3 LF Javelin
1 LF Bow
2 Tagmatic Kavallori
2 Skoutatoi
1 LH Bw Procourses
2 Tagmatic Kavallori
2 Skoutatoi
1 LH Bw Procourses
Simons List
1 Procourses LH Bow
4 Tagmatic Kavallori
1 Skoutatoi
4 Skoutatoi
2 LF Javelin
2 LF Bow
2 Tagmatic Kavallori
2 Cataphracts Elite
1 Procourses LH Bow
128 Nikephorian Darryl Pearce Britcon 2019
Ordinary Included
4 Kavallarioi * Heavy cavalry impact bow Elite
1 Prokoursavtores Light cavalry bow ------
3 Skoutatoi ½ Heavy swordsmen ½ Bowmen
2 Artillery Medium artillery
1 Javelin men Light infantry javelin
2 Light Infantry Bow Light infantry bow
2 Varangian Mercenaries Heavy swordsmen 2HW
3 Kavellaroi Heavy cavalry impact bow
1 Prokoursavatores Light cavalry bow
1 Prokoursavatores Medium cavalry bow
128 Nikephorian (Dawson - Britcon 2019)
2 Katapharaktoi Cataphract Elite 13 26
2Russian or Varangian mercenaries Heavy spearmen Ordinary 8 16
1 Tagmatic kavallarioi Heavy cavalry impact bow Elite 14 14
1 Light infantry javelin Light infantry javelin Ordinary 4 4
1 Menavaltoi Heavy swordsmen 2HW Ordinary 9 9
1 Russian or Varangian mercenaries Heavy swordsmen 2HW Ordinary 9 9
1 Light Infantry Light infantry bow Ordinary 4 4
3 Skoutatioi in mixed units ½ Heavy spearmen ½ Bowmen Ordinary 10 30
1 Prokosartores Light cavalry bow Ordinary 6 6
1 Tagmatic kavallarioi Heavy cavalry impact bow Elite 14 14
1 Light Infantry Jav Light infantry javelin Ordinary 4 4
Ordinary Included
3 Tagmatic kavallarioi Heavy cavalry impact bow Elite 14 42
2 Prokosartores Light cavalry bow Ordinary 6 12
128 Nikephorian (Ellis - Britcon 2019)
4 Tagmatic Kavallarioi Heavy cavalry impact bow Elite
1 tagmatic Kavallarioi Heavy cavalry impact bow ------
1 Prokoursatores Light cavalry bow ------
2 light jav Light infantry javelin ------
2 light infantry bow Light infantry bow ----
3 Tagmatic Kavallarioi Heavy cavalry impact bow ------
2 Skoutatoi ½ Heavy spearmen ½ Bowmen ------
2 Skoutatoi ½ Heavy spearmen ½ Bowmen
2 Russian mercenarys Heavy spearmen
1 prokoursatores Light cavalry bow
128 Nikephorian (Amey - Britcon 2019)
4 Tagmatic Kavallarioi Heavy cavalry impact bow
2 Skoutatoi in Mixed Units ½ Heavy spearmen ½ Bowmen ------
2 Prokoursatores Light cavalry bow ----
2 Skoutatoi in Mixed Units ½ Heavy spearmen ½ Bowmen ------
2 Varangians Heavy Swordsmen 2HW
2 Light Infantry Javelin Light infantry javelin
1 Light Infantry Bow Light infantry bow
4 Tagmatic Kavallarioi Heavy cavalry impact bow Elite
2 Prokoursatores Light cavalry bow ----
128 Nikephorian (Taylor - Britcon 2019)
Ordinary Included Unreliable
2 Tagmatic Kavallarioi Heavy cavalry impact bow
2 Prokoursatores Medium cavalry bow
2 Light Infantry Javelin Light infantry javelin
1 Light Infantry Bow Light infantry bow
Competent Included
3 Skoutatoi in Mixed Units ½ Heavy spearmen ½ Bowmen ------
2 Tagmatic Kavallarioi Heavy cavalry impact bow Elite
1 Tagmatic Kavallarioi Heavy cavalry impact bow ------
1 Prokoursatores Light cavalry bow ----
Competent Included
3 Skoutatoi in Mixed Units ½ Heavy spearmen ½ Bowmen ------
2 Tagmatic Kavallarioi Heavy cavalry impact bow Elite
1 Tagmatic Kavallarioi Heavy cavalry impact bow ------
1 Prokoursatores Light cavalry bow ----
Paul Dawsons 3rd place Nikephorian list from Britcon 2018
2 Katapharaktoi Cataphract Elite
2 Russian or Varangian mercenaries Heavy spearmen ------
1 Tagmatic kavallarioi Heavy cavalry impact bow Elite
2 Light infantry javelin Light infantry javelin ------
1 Menavaltoi Heavy swordsmen 2HW ----
1 Russian or Varangian mercenaries Heavy swordsmen 2HW ----
3 Skoutatioi in mixed units ½ Heavy spearmen ½ Bowmen ------
1 Prokosartores Light cavalry bow ------
1 Tagmatic kavallarioi Heavy cavalry impact bow Elite
1 Light infantry bow Light infantry bow ----
3 Tagmatic kavallarioi Heavy cavalry impact bow Elite
1 Prokosartores Light cavalry bow
Britcon 2018
128 Nikephorian
4 Tagmatic Kavallarioi Heavy cavalry impact bow Elite
1 Tagmatic Kavallarioi Heavy cavalry impact bow ------
1 Prokoursatores Light cavalry bow ------
2 Light Infantry Javelin Light infantry javelin ------
2 Light Infantry Bow Light infantry bow ----
3 Tagmatic Kavallarioi Heavy cavalry impact bow
1 Prokoursatores Light cavalry bow
2 Russian Mercenaries Heavy spearmen ------
4 Skoutatoi in Mixed Units ½ Heavy spearmen ½ Bowmen ------
Britcon 2018
128 Nikephorian
Ord Imcluded
4 Kavallarioi * Heavy cavalry impact bow Elite
1 Prokoursavtores Light cavalry bow ------
3 Skoutatoi ½ Heavy swordsmen ½ Bowmen
2 Artillery Medium artillery
1 Javelin men Light infantry javelin
2 Light Infantry Bow Light infantry bow
2 Varangian Mercenaries Heavy swordsmen 2HW
3 Kavellaroi Heavy cavalry impact bow
1 Prokoursavatores Light cavalry bow
1 Prokoursavatores Medium cavalry bow
200AP from Cry Havoc 2018
1 LH Bow
2 Tagmatic Cavalry Elite
1 MCv Bow
1 Varangian Heavy Spear
2 Skoutatoi
1 LF Javelin
1 Kataphract
2 Skoutatoi
1 LI Bow
1 Varangian 2HCW
1 Varangian Spear
1 Tagamtic Cavalry Elite
3 Tagmatic Cavalry Elite Included General Ordinary
1 LH Bow
200AP from The 2018 Worlds
2 Kapaphracts
3 Heavy Spearmen
2 Tagmatic Kavallorio
1 LI Javelin
3 Skoutatoi
1 LC Bow
1 Tagmatic
1 LI Bow
1 Tagmatic
2 Ordinary Tagmatic
1 LH Bow
2 Kapaphracts
3 Varangian 2HW
1 Tagmatic
2 LI Javelin
1 Menalvaloi
3 Skoutatoi
1 LH Bow
1 Tagmatic
1 LI Bow
2 Tagmatic
1 Varangian Spear
1 LH Bow
1 LI Bow
200 AP from The 2018 Worlds
3 Skutatoi mixtos ½ Heavy spearmen ½ Bowmen
1 Menavaltoi Heavy swordsmen 2HW
1 Psiloi Light infantry javelin
3 Tagmatic kavallarioi Heavy cavalry impact bow Elite
2 Prokosartores Light cavalry bow ------
1 Tagmatic kavallarioi Heavy cavalry impact bow ------
2 Prokoursatores Light cavalry bow ----
2 Tagmatic Heavy cavalry impact bow Elite
3 Skutatoi mixtos ½ Heavy spearmen ½ Bowmen ------
2 Psiloi Light infantry bow ----
200AP from Patras 2018
Brillian Gen
4 Skoutatoi
1 LI Bow
1 HC Impact Bow Elite
1 LC Bow
Included Competent General
4 HC Impact Bow Elite
4 Skoutatoi
1 LH Bow
1 HC Impact Elite Bow
2 LI Javelins
Brilliant General
200AP from Estella 2016
Brilliant CinC
3 Skoutatoi (Mixed)
2 Varangians
1 LI Bow
2 Elite Cataphracts
1 Impact Bw Ordinary HCv
2 Impact Bw Ordinary HCv
1 LG Bow
Ordinary General
4 Elite Cavalry as above
1 LH
Competent General
300 points
Qty Troop description Troop type Quality
3 Skoutatoi ½ Heavy spearmen ½ Bowmen ------
1 Varangians with axes Heavy swordsmen 2HW ------
1 Varangians with spears Heavy spearmen ------
1 Tagmatic kavallarioi Heavy cavalry impact bow ------
1 Bow skirmisher Light infantry bow ------
Qty Troop description Troop type Quality
3 Skoutatoi ½ Heavy spearmen ½ Bowmen ------
1 Menavlatoi Heavy swordsmen 2HW ------
1 Varangians with spears Heavy spearmen ------
1 Skirmisher Light infantry javelin ----
Ally Brilliant
Qty Troop description Troop type Quality
1 Tagmatic kavallarioi Heavy cavalry impact bow ------
1 Horse archers Light cavalry bow ------
1 Tagmatic kavallarioi elite Heavy cavalry impact bow Elite
1 Slinger skirmishers Light infantry sling ----
4 Skoutatoi ½ Heavy spearmen ½ Bowmen ----
1 Varangians with spears Heavy spearmen ----
Ally byzantine Basil the Bedouin Slayer Brilliant
Qty Troop description Troop type Quality
2 Tagmatic kavallarioi elite Heavy cavalry impact bow Elite
1 Horse archers Light cavalry bow ------
2 Bow skirmishers Light infantry bow ----
4 Skoutatoi ½ Heavy spearmen ½ Bowmen ----