Historical Overview Section
Condottieri were mercenary leaders employed by Italian city-states from the late Middle Ages until the mid-sixteenth century. The first bands appeared between the end of C13 and C14. Later these bands were joined by the first true organized Ventura Companies, those of Duke Werner of Urslingen and count Konrad von Landau. Werner's company had a code of laws which imposed a rigid discipline and an equal division of income. This company was increased until it turned into the fearsome "Great Company,". Since many of the condottiere were well educated they began to view warfare more as science rather than bravery. As consequence, most condottieri viewed it a better idea to out-maneuevre the opponent and fight his ability to wage war rather than risk actual field battles. The condottieri were masters of the battles fought in Italy for the whole 15th century. By the time of the wars in Lombardy, Niccolò Machiavelli observed, "None of the principal states were armed with their own proper forces".
Using the army in ADLG
- All the toys!
- That however is a challenge and an opportunity, as it is very easy to get distracted and end up with a combination of disparate bits that don't work together very well
- The Knights need support from other troops, as they will go down to opposing Elite knights much faster than you think.
- A Swiss ally is tempting, but bumps the average cost per unit up considerably.
- Buying a lot of LF can help you occupy terrain and fight in the gaps, whilst also boosting your break point. Maybe even start the list with 5-6 of them and work from there?
Useful Links
User-contributed links about this army:
- Flags to download for Condotta armies
- Australian Condotta Re-enactors (go figure!??)
- Paintings of Italian Soldiers of the early 14th Century
- Paintings of Italian Soldiers of the mid to late 14th Century
- Guidoriccio da Fogliano, condottiere, by Simone Martini
- A Battle from a Histoire ancienne jusqu'à César, 2nd quarter of the 14th century
- Victory of the Sienese Troops at Val di Chiana in 1363 by Lippo Vanni
- The Battle of Clavigo, by Altichiero da Zevio, 1376-79
- St. Benedict discovers the shield bearer of Totila, King of the Goths, by Spinello Aretino, 1387
- Italian Infantrymen, 14th Century, by Ian Heath
- Italian Musician, by Ian Heath
- Prints of 14th Century Italian Soldiers
Army Lists
Sample army lists for this army
Abric Alicante 2025
4 Knights (Dismounted)
1 LF Bow
1 LF Handgun
Brilliant Commander
5 LH Javelin Elite
Included Ordinary Commander
2 LB/Sword
1 Pikeman
1 HI Polearm
2 Impect Knights
1 LH Xbow
1 Foot Knight
220 Points Warfare 2024
Free Company Ally Brilliant
1 LF Handgun
1 LF javelin Elite
1 XBow
4 Hi Sword 2HW
1 Longbow Elite
1 HKn Impact
1 L:H Xbow
2 Med Sword
1 Heavy Gonne
Included Ordinary Commander with HKn
1 H XBow
1 LF Handgun Elite
1 XBow
2 Mixed Sp/XBow
3 Impact Knights
1 HI Armoured Polearm
Some sort of Commander
Britcon 2022 (V4)
1428 Florentine
1 Mounted Crossbowmen Light cavalry crossbow ------
1 Mercenaries Pikemen ------
1 Mixed Unit ½ Heavy spear. ½ Xbowmen + Pavise ------
1 English Archers Medium swordsmen longbow ------
2 Men-at-Arms and Mercenaries Knight on foot ----
1 Handgunners Light infantry firearm Elite
1 Mounted Crossbowmen Light cavalry crossbow ------
1 Mercenaries Pikemen ------
1 Mixed Unit ½ Heavy spear. ½ Xbowmen + Pavise ------
1 English Archers Medium swordsmen longbow ----
2 Men-at-Arms and Mercenaries Knight on foot ----
1 Handgunners Light infantry firearm Elite
Swiss Ally: ordinary, Included, Allied
4 Pikemen (inc) Pikemen Elite
2 Handgunners Light infantry firearm Elite
1 Crossbowmen Light infantry crossbow ------
CLWC 2022 Wars in France list - Nice List, 2nd place
- 1
Brilliant Commander (6)
2x Heavy Knight Impact (26)
1 Medium Cavalry Xbow (9)
1 Light Infantry Firearm (4)
2x Foot Knight Elite (28)
2x Swordsman Polearm (18)
2 Pikemen Mediocre (16)
- 2
Competant Commander Unreliable (0)
2x LMI Xbow (14)
2x Medium Sword Impact (16)
1 x LF Firearm (4)
- 3
Ordinary Commander Included (-3)
2 Foot Knight Elite (28)*
2 Foot Knight (24)
1 Heavy Spear Elite (10)
Condotta, Walker, CLWC 2022
2 Replaced Militia ½ Heavy spear. ½ Xbowmen + Pavise
1 Mercenary Pikemen Pikemen
2 Peasants Levy
2 MAA Heavy knight impact
1 Mounted Xbow Light cavalry crossbow
2 MAA Heavy knight impact
1 Mounted Xbow Light cavalry crossbow
2 English archers Medium swordsmen longbow
2 MAA Medium swordsmen
Ordinary, Included Swiss ally
4 Swiss Pikemen Elite
2 Swiss Light infantry crossbow ------
1 Swiss Light infantry firearm Elite
Beachhead 2022 - Neapolitain
1 LF Xbow
2 Almughavars Full Fat
2 MCv XBow
2 Pike
1 LF Handgun Elite
2 Foot Knights
1 Heavy Knight IMpact
1 Heavy Spear Papal Guard Elite
Albanian Ally
6 LH Javelin ELite
2 MCv Impact Elite
An Ethan Zorick Alternate version:
Here is a very different playing Florentine Condotta army. Here we are going to take advantage of the better Florentine infantry. We are going to combine it with a little bit of fortification to help protect our flanks.
Corps I
Brilliant CiC (+2 Initiative, Fortified Camp, 3 Fortifications)
3 H Knight Impact
1 M Cavalry Xbow
1 L Cavalry Bow
2 Pikemen
1 ½ H Spear + ½ Crossbowmen
1 Elite Longbowmen
Corps II
Ordinary Sub
2 Mediocre Pikemen
2 Heavy swordsmen 2HW
1 ½ H Spear + ½ Crossbowmen
1 Heavy Artillery
Corps III
Ordinary Included
2 H Knight Impact
1 L Cavalry Xbow
1 Elite L Infantry Firearms
The base plan here is to deploy a maximum (4UD x 6 UD) sized fortified camp on one flank. The three fortifications go next to that with the Heavy Artillery and either mediocre pike or halberdiers.
Next comes either Corp I or III depending on who you want on the outside of your line. You manevuer with the wing away from the fortifications while the heavy artillery shoots things and dares the enemy to come attack it. Don’t be afraid to exit the fortifications at the right time to move up to support your knights attack. Remember this is still mostly about knights attacking aggressively, everyone else really is mostly holding on flank.
224 Venetian Condotta USTT 2020
3 MAA Mounted
1 MCv Stradiot Elite
1 LH Xbow
2 Dalamatian Impetuous Elite Knights
4 LH Stradiots Elite
Brilliant Included
1 Foot Knight MAA General
2 Halberdiers
2 Pikemen
1 Stake equipped Longbowman
2 LF Xbow
1 LF handgun
Fortified Camp
224 Condotta (Middlemist - Britcon 2019)
1 Foot Knight
2 Pikemen
2 Dalmatian Crossbow
2 Halberdiers
2 LF Bow
1 Handgunner
Ordinary Included
3 Knights
1 Mounted XBow Cv
1 Stradiot
1 Crossbow
Ordinary Included
3 Knights
1 Mounted XBow Cv
1 Stradiot
1 Crossbow
224 Condotta Florentine (Hogan - Britcon 2019)
2 English archers Longbowmen Elite
2 Men-at-arms Heavy knight impact ------
1 Hungarians Light cavalry bow ------
2 Men-at-arms Knight on foot
1 Handgunners Light infantry firearm
2 Merceniaries Pikemen
1 Mounted Crossbows Light cavalry crossbow
2 Milita ½ Heavy spearmen ½ Crossbowmen
Ordinary Swiss Ally
1 Crossbowmen Light infantry crossbow ----
3 Pikemen Pikemen Elite
1 Handgunners Light infantry firearm ----
2 Swordsmen Medium swordsmen 2HW Elite
200AP Steve Hacker, 2nd at Roll Call 2019 25mm
1 LH Bow
2 Levy
2 Longbow Elite
Competent Commander
2 Low Countries Pike Ordinary
2 Florentine Levy Pike Italian Mediocre
2 Men at Arms Ordinary Foot Knights
1 LH Handgunner
Competent General
2 Lh Crossbow
3 Ordinary Impact Knights
2 Mixed Sp/Crossbow with Pavide
224 Condotta (Florence) - Antika 2018
3 Men-at-arms and mercenaries Heavy Knight impact 13 39
1 Mounted crossbowmen Light cavalry crossbow 6 6
1 Mounted crossbowmen Medium cavalry crossbow 9 9
2 Men-at-arms and mercenaries Foot Knight 12 24
2 Milicians ½ Heavy spearmen ½ Crossbowmen + Pavise 11 22
1 Mercenaries Pikemen Ordinary 11 11
1 Handgunners Light infantry firearm Elite 5 5
1 Levy 3 3
1 Hungarians Light cavalry bow 6 6
Allied competent
4 Men-at-arms Heavy swordsmen 2HW 9 36
1 English bowmen Longbowmen Elite 11 11
1 French or Gascon Crossbowmen 7 7
1 Breton or Gascon Bidowers Light infantry javelin Elite 5 5
1 Poor Mounted Men-at-arms Heavy cavalry impact 10 10
224 Condotta - Work in Progress
2 Men-at-arms and mercenaries Heavy Knight impact Ordinary 13 26
2 Halberdiers Medium swordsmen 2HW Ordinary 8 16
2 Mercenaries Crossbow Ordinary 7 14
2 Handgunners Light infantry firearm Elite 5 10
3 Men-at-arms and mercenaries Heavy Knight impact Ordinary 13 39
2 Dalmatian crossbowmen Crossbow Ordinary 7 14
1 Mounted crossbowmen Light cavalry crossbow Ordinary 6 6
1 Heavy Artillery Heavy artillery Ordinary 10 10
3 Men-at-arms and mercenaries Heavy Knight impact Ordinary 13 39
2 Stradiots Light cavalry javelin Elite 7 14
Britcon 2018
224 Condotta
Unreliable Ally Included
3 Pikemen Pikemen Elite
1 Light infantry Light infantry firearm ------
1 Light infantry Light infantry crossbow ------
2 Men -at-arms Heavy knight impact
1 Halberdiers Heavy swordsmen 2HW
1 Merceniaries Pikemen
2 Hungarians Light cavalry bow
1 Milita ½ Heavy spearmen ½ Crossbowmen + Pavise
1 Handgunners Light infantry firearm
1 Militia ½ Heavy spearmen ½ Crossbowmen + Pavise ----
2 Men-at-arms Heavy knight impact ------
1 Mounted Crossbow Light cavalry bow ----
1 English archers Longbowmen stakes Elite
1 Merceniaries Pikemen ----
1 Halberdiers Medium swordsmen 2HW ----
224 Condotta
Ordinary Included
1 Men at Arms Inc Gen Heavy Knight impact
4 Men at Arms Heavy Knight impact
1 Mounted Crossbow Light cavalry crossbow
Ordinary Included
1 Men at Arms Inc Gen Heavy Knight impact
4 Men at Arms Heavy Knight impact
1 Mounted Crossbow Light cavalry crossbow
Ordinary Included
1 Men at Arms Inc Gen Foot Knight Elite
2 Spearmen militia Heavy spearmen Mediocre
2 Mercenaries Pikemen ------
2 Halbardiers Heavy swordsmen 2HW ----
Worlds 2018
4 Men at arms
1 Elite LB
1 Mercenary XBow Pavise
1 Stradiot medium
2 LI Bow
3 MAA Knight Impact
2 LI XBow
1 LH Javelin
1 Medium Cav Impact
2 Medium Cav XBow
3 LH Javelin
2 Men at arms
4 Stradiots Medium Cav Impact Elite
1 Elite LB
1 Mercenary XBow Pavise
1 LI Handgun
3 Foot Knights
2 Pikemen
1 Halberdiers
2 LH Crossbow
2 LI Bow
2 LH Javelin
1 Handgunner LI
200 points Derby 2017 Naples
4 Feudal Knights Heavy Knight impetuous Elite
3 Hungarians or Turks Light cavalry bow ------
4 Men at Arms Heavy Knight impact
2 Mounted Crossbow Light cavalry crossbow
2 Halbardiers Medium swordsmen 2HW ----
2 Almulghavars Medium swordsmen impact Elite
1 Handgunner Light infantry firearm ------
1 Crossbow militia Light infantry crossbow ----
200 points CLWC 1-dayer 2016
Competent General
4 Crossbows Crossbowmen pavise ----
4 Militia Medium spearmen Mediocre
1 skirmisher Light infantry bow ----
Competent Unreliable General
4 Crossbows Crossbowmen pavise ----
4 Militia Medium spearmen Mediocre
1 skirmisher Light infantry bow ----
Swiss Ally - ordinary
2 Pikemen
2 Halberdiers
1 LF handgunner
200 Points, the Worlds, (Dan Hazlewood)
3 Kn
1 MCv XBow
2 LI Xbow
3 LC, javelin
2 Kn
1 McV Impact
2 LC Javelin
2 Kn
1 MCv XBow
1 LF H/Gun
1 LH XBow
2 LC Javelin
It is designed to always attack with 7 Knights at a precise point no later than turn 3. Speed and power at one point to break through. The large LC force allows the domination of enemy skirmishers to drive the tempo. This relies on an assumption that the enemy is trying to maneuver and then you halt them and punch them with 7 HKn. The flaw is the army is brittle and has too few battle units to face large foot based armies run by players that keep their Corps in supporting distance of one another.
200 Points, The Worlds, Fiorentina (T Porter)
4 Men at Arms Heavy Knight impact
1 Light Crossbow Cavalry Light cavalry crossbow
2 English Longbow Longbowmen Elite
1 Light Infantry Light infantry firearm ------
1 Halbardiers Heavy swordsmen 2HW ------
1 Pike Militia Pikemen Mediocre
2 Crossbow militia ½ Heavy spearmen ½ Crossbowmen + pavise ------
Free Company Ally, Competent
3 Men at Arms Heavy swordsmen 2HW ----
2 English Longbow Longbowmen Elite
1 Gascons Light infantry firearm ------
1 Foot Knight Foot Knight Elite
1 Gascons Light infantry javelin ----
This list really did not have enough hitting power, or staying power - and the excessive amount of shooters always ended up vulnerable to a fast attack by enemy MF or mounted. It would have been much better to have an extra Kn or two in one of the other commands to help deter enemy MF
200 Points - The Worlds 16, venice
4 Kn (O)
2 Longbow
2 Hordes
Competent General
3 Knights
1 LH XBow
2 LH Jls
Brilliant General
Swiss Ally Competent
5 MF 2HCW Elite
1 LF X-bow
200 AP Venetian used at The Worlds 2016
1 LH XBow
3 LF H/G Elite
2 Pk O
2 Halberdiers HF
1 XBow Mediocre
1 LF Bow
1 Horde
Brilliant General
1 Kn (O)
Swiss Ally -
2 Pike Elite (Including Ordinary General)
2 Handgunners LF
2 LH Superior, ,Javelins
2 LF, Bow
1 Longbow
3 Kn (O)
Strategist General
200 Points Britcon 2016 (Florence)
4 Knights heavy Knight Impact ------
1 light cavalry crossbow Light cavalry crossbow ------
1 light infantry firearm light infantry firearm ------
1 longbowmen longbowmen elite
====Free Company Included Allied Competent
2 longbowmen Longbowmen
1 knights heavy knight impact
3 men at arms Heavy swordsmen 2HW
1 bidets Light infantry javelin
1 light infantry firemen light infantry firearm
2 knights heavy Knight Impact
2 hungarians Light cavalry bow
2 medium swordsmen medium swordsmen 2hw
200 Points Britcon 2016 (Naples)
2 Mercenary crossbowmen Crossbowmen ------
2 Halberdiers Medium swordsmen 2HW ----
2 Almughavars Medium swordsmen impact Elite
4 Men at arms Heavy knight impact
1 Mounted crossbowmen Light infantry crossbow
2 Crossbow militia skirmishers Light infantry crossbow
4 Neapolitan feudal knights Heavy knight impetuous Elite
3 Aragonese mercenaries: crossbowmen Light infantry crossbow ------
1 Aragonese mercenaries: archers Light infantry bow ------
200 Points
- Competent
- 2 Men-at-arms (dsmt as foot knights) Heavy Knight impact
------ - 1 LH X-Bow Light cavalry crossbow
------ - 3 Feudal Knights Heavy Knight impetuous Elite ///
- Competent
- 2 Men-at-arms (dsmt as foot knights) Foot Knight
------ #N/A - 2 Mercenary pikemen Pikemen
------ 11 - 3 Light Crossbow Light infantry crossbow
------ 4 - 1 Guardsman Heavy spearmen Elite 10 ////
- Competent
- 2 Catalan Almughavars Medium swordsmen impact Elite 10
- 2 Halberdiers Medium swordsmen 2HW 8
- 1 Handgunners Light infantry firearm
------ 4 - 2 Aragonese Mercenaries Light infantry crossbow
---- 4