Historical Overview Section
Charles the Bold was born in Dijon, the son of Philip the Good and Isabel of Portugal. In his father's lifetime (1433-1467) he bore the title of Count of Charolais; afterwards, he assumed all of his father's titles, including that of "Grand Duke of the West". He was brought up under the direction of the Seigneur d'Auxy, and early showed great application to study and also to warlike exercises.
Following his accession he relinquished, if not the stately magnificence, at least some of the extravagance which had characterized the court of Burgundy under his father, he had bent all his efforts towards the development of his military and political power. Since the beginning of his reign he had employed himself in reorganizing his army and the administration of his territories. While retaining the principles of feudal recruiting, he had endeavoured to establish a system of rigid discipline among his troops, which he had strengthened by taking into his pay foreign mercenaries, particularly Englishmen and Italians, and by developing his artillery. Once in power Charles involved himself in a series of difficulties and struggles which ultimately brought about his downfall.
He embroiled himself successively with the Archduke Sigismund of Austria, to whom he refused to restore his possessions in Alsace for the stipulated sum; with the Swiss, who supported the free towns of Upper Rhine in their revolt against the tyranny of the ducal governor, Peter von Hagenbach and finally, with René II, Duke of Lorraine, with whom he disputed the succession of Lorraine, the possession of which had united the two principal portions of Charles's territories— Flanders and the Low Countries and the Duchy and County of Burgundy. All these enemies, incited and supported as they were by Louis, were not long in joining forces against their common adversary, and Charles and his new Ordannance army suffered a series of crushing defeats at the hands of the Swiss and was killed at the Battle of Nancy (5 January 1477).
Charles the Bold has often been regarded as the last representative of the feudal spirit—a man who possessed no other quality than a blind bravery. He cannot however be said to have embodied chivalric notions, as did his father, for even by the standards of the time, he displayed wanton cruelty. In view of Charles' irrational behaviour in the last year or so of his life, it has even been suggested that he became mentally unstable
Using the army in ADLG
- The mixed units are hard to resist
- Is this really an army of (some, limited) manoeuver? If it sits statically and relies on shooting it will face the problem that most of its troops are pretty squishy once they get into combat - even against an injured foe
- Adding in some artillery may make it even more static
- Longbow Sword are solid rough terrain troops in this period in their own right
Useful Links
User-contributed links about this army. Add links in this format:
- name of link description of link
as an example
- http://artdelaguerre.fr/adlg/v3/?/en/statistics/army/235lArmy usage stats on the ADLG database
Army Lists
Sample army lists for this army
Alicante 2025
3 HKn Impact
1 LH Impact Elite
Brilliant Commander
2 LF Handgun Elite
Yorkist Ally
1 Foot Knight (Included Ordinary Commander)
1 HI Polearm
1 LF Handgun
4 Longbow/Sword
1 Pikeman
4 Longbow/Sword
1 LF XBow
1 LH Xbow
1 Foot Knight
Brilliant Commander
Britcon 2022 (V4)
3 Ordonance men-at-armes Heavy knight impact ------
2 Mixed units ½ Heavy spearmen ½ Longbowmen ------
1 Gentaires Light cavalry impact ------
1 Household men at armes Heavy knight impact Elite
1 Italian crossbowman Light infantry crossbow ----
1 Low country pikemen Pikemen Mediocre
1 Ordonance men at armes Heavy knight impact ------
2 Mixed units ½ Heavy spearmen ½ Longbowmen ------
1 Ordonance archers Longbowmen ------
1 Ordonance pikemen Pikemen ------
1 Italian crossbowmen Light infantry crossbow ------
2 Handgunners Light infantry firearm Elite
Ordinary Unrelaible
2 Italian mercenaries Light cavalry crossbow
2 Heavy cavalry impact Heavy cavalry impact
CLWC 2022 Webb (6th place)
1 Household MAA Heavy knight impact Elite
2 Ordonnance MAA Heavy knight impact ------
2 Italian Crossbowmen Light infantry crossbow ------
1 Mixed Units ½ Heavy spearmen ½ Longbowmen ------
1 Genitaires Light cavalry impact ------
1 Ordonnance Archers Pikemen Mediocre
1 Ordonannace Archers Medium swordsmen longbow stakes ----
1 Francs Archers Medium swordsmen longbow ----
Ordinary, included, Unreliable
2 Ordonnance MAA Heavy knight impact
1 Handgunners Light infantry firearm
2 Italian Knights Heavy knight impact ------
1 Italian Cavalry Light cavalry crossbow ------
1 Mixed units ½ Heavy spearmen ½ Longbowmen ------
1 Flemish Pike Pikemen Mediocre
1 Handgunners Light infantry firearm ----
2 Ordonnance Crossbowmen Crossbowmen ------
CLWC 2022 Sewell (9th)
1 Ordannace Crossbow Crossbowmen ------
2 Men at Arms Heavy knight impact ----
2 Mixed Units ½ Heavy spearmen ½ Longbowmen ----
2 Lowland Pike Pikemen Mediocre
1 Italian Mercenaries Light cavalry crossbow ----
2 Italian Crossbow Light infantry crossbow ----
Ordinary Included
2 Fuedal Men At Arms Heavy knight
1 Italian Mercenaries Light cavalry crossbow
2 Italian Men at Arms Heavy knight impact
2 Mixed ½ Heavy spearmen ½ Longbowmen
1 Archers with Swords Medium swordsmen longbow stakes
2 Handgunners Light infantry firearm
1 Pike Pikemen
CLWC 2022 Pearce
3 Ordonnance Archers ½ Heavy spearmen ½ Longbowmen ------
2 Artillery Medium artillery ------
2 Low Country Pikes Pikemen Mediocre
1 Ordonnance Men at arms Heavy knight impact ------
1 Houshold men at arms Heavy knight impact Elite
1 Demi-Lancer Heavy cavalry impact ------
2 Genetaires Light cavalry impact Elite
2 Light Infantry handgunners Light infantry firearm ----
2 Light Infantry Crossbowmen Light infantry crossbow ----
Ordinary Included
3 Ordonnance Archers Medium swordsmen longbow stakes ------
1 Ordonnance Crossbow man Crossbowmen pavise ------
1 Ordonnance Men at arms * Heavy knight impact ------
CLWC 2022 Hammond
Competent Included
1 Household Men at Arms Heavy knight impact Elite
1 Ordonnance Men at Arms Heavy knight impact ------
1 Genetaires Light cavalry impact Elite
2 Ordonnance Archers Medium swordsmen longbow stakes ------
1 Ordonnance Pikeman Pikemen ------
Ordinary Included
1 Household Men at Arms Heavy knight impact Elite
1 Ordonnance Men at Arms Heavy knight impact ------
1 Genetaires Light cavalry impact Elite
2 Ordonnance Archers Medium swordsmen longbow stakes ------
1 Ordonnance Pikeman Pikemen ------
2 Crossbow Crossbowmen ------
2 Italian Merenaries Light cavalry crossbow ------
1 Low Country Pikeman Pikemen Mediocre
2 Ordonnance Spear & Bow ½ Heavy spearmen ½ Longbowmen ------
Beachhead 2022 Winning List
2 Mixed Units ½ Heavy spearmen ½ Longbowmen ------
2 Handgunners Light Infantry Firearm ------
1 Ordonnance MAA Knight on foot ------
2 Low Countries Pikemen Pikemen Mediocre
2 Mixed Units ½ Heavy spearmen ½ Longbowmen ------
1 Household MAA Heavy Knight Impact Elite
1 Ordonnance MAA Heavy Knight Impact ------
1 Ordonnance Pikemen Pikemen ------
1 Italian Crossbowmen Light Infantry Crossbow ------
2 Mixed Units ½ Heavy spearmen ½ Longbowmen
1 Demi Lancers Heavy Cavalry Impact
1 Italian Mercenaries Light Cavalry Crossbow
1 Genitaires Light Cavalry Impact
2 Longbowmen Medium Swordsmen Longbow
1 Italian Crossbowmen Light Infantry Crossbow
This was put together to make most use of the 6 H/Sp/Longbow units I painted up during lockdown. In practice it puts out an immense amount of firepower with 8 Longbow + 4 LF who can support their shooting, often allowing you to get 2 LB + 1 LF to shoot at an effective +3 (+2 for support shooters and -1 for being targeted by longbows). The H/Spear/Longbow units are also a dangerous proposition for any mounted knights or cavalry, especially if hey can shoot off a hit before they charge home.
I didnt realise at the time but the use of Sw/LB gave a decent rough terrain force for a late themed event, and the lack of stakes meant it was often impossible for some opponents to elect to dismount against the army too.
Rather embarassingly though, it's been pointed out that a note at the end of list (about how the mixed units are created) renders this list illegal - something which evaded me, the list checker, and all of my opponents! With that in mind, here is a legal, minimally tweaked version whch essentially swaps out two of the mixed units for 2 units of Crossbow/Pavise, adds in an additional LI Firearm and upgrades two units of LI firearm to Elite as well. It's not got quite as much combat power (if Mediocre HI Spear can be said to have "combat power") but has a smidge more shooting through the extra LF (who can support the Longbowmen and Crossbows shooting as well as shooting themselves), an extra unit for more army-level resilience as well as making 2 of the LF more resilient though elite status too. So, it's not all that different on balance (I think..)
1 Mixed Units ½ Heavy spearmen ½ Longbowmen ------
1 Ordonnance Crossbowmen Crossbowmen Pavise ------
1 Handgunners Light Infantry Firearm
1 Ordonnance MAA Knight on foot ------
2 Low Countries Pikemen Pikemen Mediocre
1 Italian Crossbowmen Light Infantry Crossbow ------
2 Mixed Units ½ Heavy spearmen ½ Longbowmen ------
1 Household MAA Heavy Knight Impact Elite
1 Ordonnance MAA Heavy Knight Impact ------
1 Ordonnance Pikemen Pikemen ------
1 Handgunners Light Infantry Firearm ------
1 Mixed Units ½ Heavy spearmen ½ Longbowmen ------
1 Demi Lancers Heavy Cavalry Impact ------
1 Italian Mercenaries Light Cavalry Crossbow ------
1 Genitaires Light Cavalry Impact ------
2 Longbowmen Medium Swordsmen Longbow ----
1 Ordonnance Crossbowmen Crossbowmen Pavise ------
1 Italian Crossbowmen Light Infantry Crossbow ----
Fortified Camp
There is also probably a sound argument - with the benefit of hindsight - to drop the Fortified Camp, upgrade two LF handgunners to Elite and make one of the Commanders Brilliant - most probably #3 - as I did struggle at times to move everything in that command in particular.
235 Burgundian Ordonance French Connection
4 Longbowmen ½ Heavy spearmen ½ Longbowmen ------
2 Foot Knights Knight on foot ----
1 Handgunners Light infantry firearm Elite
2 Men-at-Arms Heavy knight impact ------
2 Light Cavalry Light cavalry crossbow ------
2 Demi-Lancers Heavy cavalry impact ------
1 Men-at-Arms Heavy knight impact Elite
Ordinary Unreliable
1 Pikemen Pikemen Mediocre
1 Longbow ½ Heavy spearmen ½ Longbowmen ------
1 Handgunners Light infantry firearm Elite
2 Crossbow Crossbowmen pavise ------
Fortified Camp
235 Burgundian Ordonnance Folorn Hope
Forified Camp
2 ORD men at arms Heavy knight impact
1 Lt cav Xbow Light cavalry crossbow
2 mixed unit ½ Heavy spearmen ½ Longbowmen
2 It inf Light infantry firearm Elite
2 mixed unit ½ Heavy spearmen ½ Longbowmen
1 It crossbow Crossbowmen Mediocre
2 ORD men at arms Heavy knight impact
2 mixed unit ½ Heavy spearmen ½ Longbowmen
1 low country pike Pikemen Mediocre
1 Lt cav Xbow Light cavalry crossbow
2 ORD men at arms Heavy knight impact
235 B Ordonnance Midwest Muppets
2 Ordonnace men at arms Heavy Knight impact Ordinary 13 26
2 Ordonnance Pikeman Pikemen Ordinary 11 22
3 Ordonnance Archers Longbowmen with stakes Ordinary 10 30
1 Heavy Artillery Heavy artillery Ordinary 10 10
Ordonance pikemen Pikemen Ordinary 11 11
2 Low Country Pikemen Pikemen Mediocre 8 16
2 Ordonnance Archers Longbowmen with stakes Ordinary 10 20
1 Demi-Lancers Heavy cavalry impact Ordinary 10 10
Ordinary Included
1 Household men at arms (General) Heavy Knight impact Elite 15 15
2 Ordonnance Men-at-arms Heavy Knight impact Ordinary 13 26
2 Italian mercenaries Light infantry crossbow Ordinary 4 8
235 Burgundian Ordonnance (Allen - Britcon 2019)
Ordinary Included
1 Household Foot Knight Elite
1 Mediocre Italian Xbow
1 LF XBow
1 Low Country Pike
2 Mixed Foot units
3 H Kn Impact
1 Demi Lance HCv IMpact
1 Italian LH Xbow
1 LF Handgun
1 LF Handgun Elite
2 Mixed Foot units
Ordinary Included
1 Foot Knight
1 Mediocre Italian Xbow
2 Low Country Pike
2 Mixed Foot units
235 Burgundian Ordonnance (Steer - Britcon 2019)
WOTR Yorkist Ally
Competent Included
2 Retinue billmen Heavy swordsmen armour 2HW ------
1 General foot knight Knight on foot ------
1 Retinue bowmen Longbowmen Elite
1 German mercentary pikeman Pikemen ------
2 Ordonnance men at arms Knight on foot
3 Mixed units ½ Heavy spearmen ½ Longbowmen
1 Italian mercenaries Light cavalry crossbow
2 Ordonnance men at arms Knight on foot
3 Mixed units ½ Heavy spearmen ½ Longbowmen
1 Italian mercenaries Light cavalry crossbow
200 Points - @ Roll Call 2019 25mm
3 Mixed Spear/Longbow units
2 Foot Knights
1 LI Handgunner Elite
4 Impact Knights
1 LH Xbow
2 Longbow with Stakes
Brilliant General
2 CRossbow + Pavise
1 Bombard
3 Low Countries PIkemen
200 Points
- Used in a historical match up friendly; added because no one else had...
- Brilliant Cdr
- 2 Heavy knight impact
- 3 Longbowmen
- 1 Light cavalry crossbow
- 2 Light artillery
- Ordinary Cdr
- 2 Heavy knight impact
- 3 Longbowmen
- 1 Light cavalry crossbow
- 2 Light infantry firearm
- Ordinary ally Cdr (236 Yorkist option)
- 2 Heavy swordsmen armour 2HW
- 3 Longbowmen Elite
- 1 Light infantry firearm