Medieval Swedish

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Historical Overview Section

The period between 1100 and 1400 was characterized by internal power struggles and competition among the Nordic kingdoms. Swedish kings also began to expand the Swedish-controlled territory in Finland, creating conflicts with the (formerly Viking Rus which now no longer had any connection with Sweden.

The greatest medieval statesman of Sweden, and one of the principal architects of its rise as a nation, was Birger Jarl the Regent, who practically ruled the land from 1248 to 1266. His power was extended by his son, King Magnus Ladulås (1275–90) who completed the introduction of the feudal system to Sweden. The formation of separate orders (classes of society), or estates, was promoted by Magnus Ladulås, who extended the privileges of the clergy and practically founded the formal Swedish nobility leading to heavily armed cavalry forming the kernel of the national army. The Knights (new nobles) and Burghers became distinguishable from the higher nobility. To this period belongs the rise of a prominent burgess class, as the towns now began to acquire charters.

The first union between Sweden and Norway occurred in 1319 when the three-year-old Magnus, son of the Swedish royal Duke Eric and of the Norwegian princess Ingeborg, inherited the throne of Norway from his grandfather Haakon V and in the same year was elected King of Sweden, by the Convention of Oslo. The boy king's long minority weakened the royal influence in both countries, and Magnus lost both his kingdoms before his death leading to an other schism. The Swedes, irritated by his misrule, superseded him by his nephew, Albert of Mecklenburg in 1365. In Sweden Magnus weakness as King led directly to the rise of a powerful landed aristocracy and the rise of powerful indepenant Swedish cities influenced by German merchants of the Hanseatic League, active especially at Visby in the Baltic. In 1397 Queen Margaret I of Denmark effected the personal union of Sweden, Norway, and the Late Medieval Danish through the Kalmar Union. However, Margaret’s successors, whose rule was also centred in Denmark, were unable to control the Swedish nobility who resented Danish attempts to dominate the Union. The Swedes first broke away from it in 1434 under the popular leader Engelbrekt Engelbrektsson, and after his murder they elected Karl Knutsson Bonde their king under the title of Charles VIII, 1436. In 1441 Charles VIII had to abdicate in favour of Christopher of Bavaria, who was already king of Denmark and Norway; however, upon the death of Christopher in 1448, a state of confusion ensued in the course of which Charles VIII was twice reinstated and twice expelled again. Finally, on his death in 1470, the three kingdoms were reunited under Christian II of Denmark, the prelates and higher nobility of Sweden being favourable to the union.

Christian then ordered a massacre in 1520 of Swedish nobles at Stockholm. This came to be known as the “Stockholm blood bath” and stirred the Swedish nobility to new resistance and, on 6 June (now Sweden's national holiday) in 1523, they made Gustav Vasa their king. This is sometimes considered as the foundation of modern Sweden. Shortly afterwards he rejected Catholicism and led Sweden into the Protestant Reformation.

Using the army in FoG

  • Average Knights are the wrong choice in 99 out of 100 possible situations – even if they are the only drilled ones you can get.
  • BGs of 6 knights are probably too wide to use effectively
  • The militia are pricey, but can soak up casualties better than most similar units as the rear ranks are decent fighters. They can probably live as being taken in 6's - otherwise the army ends up very small.
  • Don't forget that mixed formations count both ranks as the weapon/class of the first rank when in combat.
  • Armoured Cavalry Crossbow Swordsmen are fairly decent troops in period, and will scare enemy skirmishers away with ease.
  • This army is going to be small and slow. A fortified camp may be a decent investment.
  • Arguably an IC is worth it as then you may sometimes get to pick woodlands and close down the table. But, he's pricey and not that useful for anything else as generals will often need to fight with the average units to give them even half a chance against enemy Superiors

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15mm Manufacturers supplying figures suitable for Late Medieval Armies

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Army Lists

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Name of Army / Date

  • Using asterisks inthe edit mode creates a bulleted list in the actual site
  • This is a lot easier to do than easier than setting up tables
  • For FoG I suggest listing your army in order or march
  • with troop desctiptions on each line, for example
  • 4 HF Armoured Average Drilled Impact Foot Swordsmen
  • 8 LG Undrilled Unarmoured Poor Bowen
  • Dont forget to include your Generals !!!

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