Ming Chinese

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Historical Overview Section

The Ming Dynasty, also Empire of the Great Ming, was the ruling dynasty of China for 276 years (1368–1644) following the collapse of the Mongol-led Yuan Chinese in the face of a number of Han Chinese revolts including the Red Turbans in 1351. The Red Turbans were affiliated with the White Lotus, a Buddhist secret society famed for making their uniform choices really easy for wargamers of this period - in 1356 rebel force captured the city of Nanjing, which they would later establish as the capital of the Ming Dynasty.

One bloke ended up running the whole empire as he sort of killed everyone else, and after that the Ming started expanding. First the Salar Muslims voluntarily came under Ming rule, their clan leaders capitulating around 1370. Then Uyghur troops under Uyghur general Hala Bashi settled in Changde, Hunan. Hui Muslim troops also settled in Changde, Hunan after serving the Ming in campaigns against other aboriginal tribes. In 1381, the Ming Dynasty annexed the areas of the southwest that had once been part of the Kingdom of Dali (imagine textbook comedy Chinese moustaches, but like really weird) following the Hui Muslim Ming armies defeat of Yuan-loyalist Mongol and Hui Muslim troops holding out in Yunnan province. The Ming initiated sporadic armed intervention in Tibet throughout the 14th century, while at times the Tibetans also used successful armed resistance against Ming forays. The Wanli Emperor (ruled in 1572–1620) made attempts to re-establish Sino-Tibetan relations in the wake of a Mongol-Tibetan alliance initiated in 1578, and by the late 16th century, the Mongols proved to be successful armed protectors of the Yellow Hat Dalai Lama after their increasing presence in the Amdo region, culminating in Güshi Khan's (1582–1655) conquest of Tibet in 1642.

The Oirat Mongol leader Esen Tayisi launched an invasion into Ming China in July 1449. This proved to be a troubled time and Mongol forces within the Ming military structure continued to be problematic. In 1461, the Chinese general Cao Qin and his Ming troops of Mongol descent staged a coup against the Emperor, but the Emperor won and staged five major offensives north of the Great Wall against the Mongols, and the constant threat of Mongol incursions prompted the Ming authorities to fortify the Great Wall from the late 15th century to the 16th century.

Using the army in FoG

  • The army has lots of heavy weapon men, and also mixed Xbow/Xbow+L/S units which may become lots better under V2.0 as they get decent support shooting to add to the generally decent impact and melee POA's
  • Good quality cavalry - well, only 12 of them.
  • There are a lot of options for different foot troop types.
  • Still hard to see how the artillery work in FoG in a field battle

Tournament Results with this army

Have a look for them on the Official FoG Database on the FoG site. They appear to have won the 2013 Worlds in Australia

User-contributed links about this army:


  • Burmese - use for Elephants!
  • Mongol - beefs up the cavalry force, but then why not use a different main army list if you want that?

Painting and Collecting the Army

  • Paint schemes, insignia, shield designs? Put it here.

15mm Manufacturers supplying figures for this army

You are probably picking a combination of Later Tang Chinese, Ming Chinese and Song ranges for this army
You can see some of the figures in the Ancients Photo Gallery also on this site

Image Image Image Image

Army Lists

Sample army lists for this army
Name of Army / Date

  • Using asterisks inthe edit mode creates a bulleted list in the actual site
  • This is a lot easier to do than easier than setting up tables
  • For FoG I suggest listing your army in order or march
  • with troop desctiptions on each line, for example
  • 4 HF Armoured Average Drilled Impact Foot Swordsmen
  • 8 LG Undrilled Unarmoured Poor Bowen
  • Dont forget to include your Generals !!!

Include any notes you want here, including comments on how to use - or play against - the army.

Remember to leave a line before you copy the above section as a template for your own list

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