Early Scots Irish

Early Scos Irish

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Historical Overview Section

What little is known of pre-Christian Ireland comes from a few references in Roman writings, Irish poetry and myth, and archaeology. By the historic period (AD 431 onwards) the main over-kingdoms of In Tuisceart, Airgialla, Ulaid, Mide, Laigin, Mumhain, Cóiced Ol nEchmacht began to emerge (see Kingdoms of ancient Ireland). Within these kingdoms a rich culture flourished. The society of these kingdoms was dominated by an upper class, consisting of aristocratic warriors and learned people, possibly including druids (cool!).

The earliest known kingdoms or tribes in Ireland are referred to in Ptolemy's Geography, written in the 2nd century. He names the Vennicni, Rhobogdi, Erdini, Magnatae, Autini, Gangani, Vellabori, Darini, Voluntii, Eblani, Cauci, Menapii, Coriondi and Brigantes tribes and kingdoms. Notable among the tribes of Ireland are the Attacotti (variously spelled) who despoiled Roman Britain between 364 and 368, along with Scotti, Picts, Saxons, Roman military deserters, and the indigenous Britons themselves. The Attacotti were defeated by Count Theodosius in 368, along with the Scotti and Picts, and thereafter they probably provided military service to the Romans as auxiliary units until about 400, at which time they disappear from the historical record.

The Brigantes were a Celtic tribe who in pre-Roman times controlled the largest section of Northern England and a significant part of the Midlands. Their kingdom was known as Brigantia, and it was centred in what was later known as Yorkshire. The Brigantes were the only Celtic tribe to have a presence in both England and Ireland, in the latter of which they could be found around Wexford, Kilkenny and Waterford. The origins of the Brigantes are obscure, however at least the leaders are thought to have been related to Continental European tribes, either the Brigantes of Celtic Gallaecia or the Brigantii of the Alps. In 47, the governor of Britain, Publius Ostorius Scapula, was forced to abandon his campaign against the Deceangli of North Wales because of "disaffection" among the Brigantes. A few of those who had taken up arms were killed and the rest were pardoned. In 51, the defeated resistance leader Caratacus sought sanctuary with the Brigantian queen, Cartimandua, but she showed her loyalty to the Romans by handing him over in chains.. She and her husband Venutius are described as loyal and "defended by Roman arms", but they later divorced, Venutius taking up arms first against his ex-wife, then her Roman protectors. During the governorship of Aulus Didius Gallus (52-57) he gathered an army and invaded her kingdom. The Romans sent troops to defend Cartimandua and Venutius's rebellion was defeated after fierce fighting. After the divorce, Cartimandua married Venutius's armour-bearer, Vellocatus, and raised him to the kingship. Venutius staged another rebellion in 69, taking advantage of Roman instability in the Year of four emperors. This time the Romans were only able to send auxiliaries, who succeeded in evacuating Cartimandua but left Venutius in possession of the kingdom.

"The Great Conspiracy" was a notable war in Roman Britain towards the end of the Roman occupation, capitalising on the depleted military forces in the province. In the winter of 367, the Roman garrison on Hadrian's Wall rebelled allowing the Early Pictish forces from Caledonia to enter Britannia, whilst simultaneously, Attacotti, Scotti from Hibernia, and Saxons from Germania, landed on the island's mid-western and south-eastern borders, respectively. Franks and Saxons also landed in northern Gaul (what a pain in th ebutt for the Romans!). All these various groups managed to overwhelm nearly all of the loyal Roman outposts and settlements, and the entire western and northern areas of Britannia were sacked. The few remaining Post Roman British army units stayed secure inside southeastern cities. Emperor Valentinian I was campaigning against the Alamanni at the time and unable to respond personally although a series of commanders to act in his stead were chosen but swiftly recalled. The first was Severus, the emperor's comes domesticorum, soon replaced by Jovinus, the magister equitum; rumours of disasters dogged them, however, and it took almost 15 months before a capable replacement was sent. In the spring of 368, a relief force commanded by Count Theodosius arrived in Britannia from Gaul. He brought with him four units, Batavii, Heruli, Jovii and Victores as well as his son, the later Emperor Theodosius I and probably the later usurper Magnus Maximus. He marched from Richborough to Londinium and began to deal with the barbarians. An amnesty was promised to deserters which enabled Theodosius to regarrison abandoned forts. A new Dux Britanniarum was appointed, Dulcitius, with Civilis granted vicarius status to head a new civilian administration. By the end of the year, the barbarians had been driven back to their homelands; the mutineers had been executed; Hadrian's Wall was retaken; and order returned to the province. Considerable reorganisation was undertaken in Britain, including the creation of a new province named Valentia, probably to better address the state of the far north. Claudian suggests that naval activity took place in northern Britain. It is possible that Theodosius mounted punitive expeditions against the barbarians and extracted terms from them. Certainly, the Notitia Dignitatum later records four units of Attacotti serving Rome on the continent. The areani were removed from duty and the frontiers refortified with co-operation from border tribes such as the Votadini, marking the career of men such as Paternus.

Using the army in FoG

Well, frankly its hard....

V2.0 change The following armies (but not ally contingents derived from them) can have up to 1/3 of their battle groups of the specified type upgraded to Superior, representing separately deployed picked warriors. Such battle groups cannot exceed 8 bases. Early Scots-Irish (Warriors)

You could try to maximise the chariots to create a strike force that will confuse in-period enemies, and hide the rest in terrain, but at the end of the dat Protected MF impact foot swordsmen are dogmeat to most opponents, so hide them as best you can and play with 24 chariots.

At least the slingers can be used in BGs of 4 to boost army break point, and the LF javelins are cheap as well.

UK Tournament Results with this army

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Nothing can salvage this army from despair..

15mm Manufacturers supplying figures for this army

You can see some of the figures in the Ancients Photo Gallery also on this site

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Core Troops

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Army Lists

Sample army lists for this army

Name of Army / Date

  • Using asterisks inthe edit mode creates a bulleted list in the actual site
  • This is a lot easier to do than easier than setting up tables
  • For FoG I suggest listing your army in order or march
  • with troop desctiptions on each line, for example
  • 4 HF Armoured Average Drilled Impact Foot Swordsmen
  • 8 LG Undrilled Unarmoured Poor Bowen
  • Dont forget to include your Generals !!!

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