The Anglo Saxons at Southend 2024
The first ever Southern League ADLG event to take place in Southend on Sea hoved into view like a tanker ambling past the end of the longest pier in England in early 2024, and Colin's choice of the year of the Battle of Benfleet (Anglo Saxons vs Vikings) allowed me to wheel out my 15mm Anglo Saxons, this time in a 3-game event where they would be thematically appropriate, even if they were not likely to be all that good.
The event at Southend also gave me an opportunity to inflict multiple references to both Billy Bragg and Danny Dyer on an unsuspecting wargames population and viewership - a gift that will keep on giving throughout the following 3 video reports.
Wednesdays shite. Monday and Tuesday, you know where you stand. Thursday’s alright. But Wednesday? You’re never gonna be Friday, ya midweek prick.
(Danny Dyer)
I had chosen Anglo Saxons basically to use as many of the 15mm Anglo Saxon type Heavy Spear figures I has as possible, having found myself the possessor of an enormous number of them after rebasing a 15mm Viking-ish army during lockdown.
This meant I ended up with a list who's key attributes were a lot of Heavy Spear and not much else really - sort of like the one I took to Greece a few weeks earlier, but without any ofthe good or indeed interesting bits to it - yes this was just a lot of spears
The lists for the Anglo Saxons can be seen here in the L'Art de la Guerre Wiki.
So, with out further ado, roll VT and see how Southend played host to the Anglo Saxons!
Game 1 Anglo Saxons vs Vikings
In this game Anglo Saxons army was facing its historical foe, the Vikings, in a battle alongside the edge of the Essex Thames shoreline
This would be a real test for the theory that the Saxon wall of spearmen could survive being disadvantaged against more well equipped opponents and somehow wrestle them to the ground and into submission through sheer weight of numbers alone. The video also includes some pre-event tourism from Sarfend on Sea.

Will the stodgy chip-batter might of the of Anglo Saxons triumph, or will the Vikings better tech overturn history and cause Anglo Saxons to lose this second iteration of the Battle of Benfleet?
Can’t remember. I think it just kept p***ing down with rain son.
(Danny Dyer)
Game 2 Anglo Saxons vs Central Asian Turks
In this game Anglo Saxons army faces a nearly-all mounted opponent with clouds of shooting skirmishing horsemen on a table that seems to have mislaid its River Thames
The Turks do however have some spearmen of their own who are even more sub-par than those of the Saxons - so if they can be engaged perhaps there is something to eke out in terms of having the upper hand? Otherwise its a case of hoping not to be shot and marching forward in hope and a long line.

Will the linear ingenuity of Anglo Saxons result in a victory, or will the Central Asian Turks' CAT-ch them out?
McDyer Carpets - you know you want one you SLAAAG!
Going to watch Question Time while munching on a toasted crumpet. Sophistication.
(Danny Dyer)
Game 3 Anglo Saxons vs Thematic Byzantine
This time around the Anglo Saxons face their second mounted shooting opponent, but the Byzantines are well drilled and have cunningly developed lances as well as horse archery.
This sets the scene for a more balances affair in which the Byzantines are more than happy to take the battle to close quarters if the time is right - but will Essex time be right for them this Saturday evening ?
Who will take the A13 back to Dagenham after this titanic clash between the Anglo Saxons and the Thematic Byzantines?
You can see some of the figures I was supposed to have used elsewhere on this site on the 15mm figure directory, .
Going to watch Question Time while munching on a toasted crumpet. Sophistication.
(Danny Dyer)
That's the end - so why not go back to the Match Reports Index and read some more reports?
A13, Trunk Road to The Sea
Dr Feelgood, Milk & Alcohol
Dr Feelgood - Route 66 !
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