FoGR TYW in Farnborough 2013
Tillys German Catholic vs Scots & Parliamentarian
Game 1 Tillys German Catholic vs TYW Swedish
Game 2 Tillys German Catholic vs Scots & Parliamentarian
Game 3 Tillys German Catholic vs Royalist
After a rather long between-game delay, the second game of three teed itself up on the golf course of combat and swung into action� this time the Catholics were facing a combined Scots/Parliamentarian army, again on a historically-based battlefield with a nice large flat area in the middle
The lists for the Tillys German Catholic and Scots & Parliamentarian from this game, as well as all the other lists from the games at Farnborough can be seen here in the FoG:R Wiki.
The Thirty Years War
The Scots had lined up with a mix of good, bad and indifferent Pike and Shot units spread across the table, and their horse massed on the left wing. Having learnt at least a little from the first game, the Catholics ensured that their (blue) Superior Tercio was on one wing, with the other two (including Tillys Monster) straight down the middle, and all three Cuirassier units facing off against the Parliamentarian horse on the Catholic left.
The Blue Tercio started out by swinging towards the flank, looking to block off any sneaky Scots units which might attempt to run round the back of the Catholics.
On the left a huge wall of Catholic steel was assembling, looking to face off against the enemy horse and just bully them into submission through better armour alone
The only salient terrain piece was a small enclosed field, which allowed the Catholic artillery a safe field of fire at some of the boldy-deployed Poor quality Scots units, chipping off bases at an alarming rate and soon sending some of them packing their bags and back off home
The Scots were pretty damned cool, especially the unit led by Rick Mayall..
The Cuirassiers were about as well prepared as it was possible to be, with even the rather pants carbine armed unit detached to be in rear support of their coherent advance onto the Scots and Parliamentarian horse
The two walls of horseflesh slammed together
But at the initial impact the Brits held firm and the Cuirassiers swapped their crushing charge for a grinding melee
Which they then proceeded to start to lose as well
But by now in the centre the two walls of infantry had started to get to close quarters - two Catholic units which between them deployed almost as many bases as 4 units of Scots
Tillys Tercio, shamed by their abject performance in the first game made short work of their opponents this time, smiting a huge hole in the Scots ranks
No idea where this comes from - but it's really cool ...
On the flank the choice to deploy a superior Tercio was paying off, as they traded shots and bases with a multitude of opponents, coming out generally on top of them all
Marching Songs in the TYW
As the Scots horse continued to hold up the Catholic Cuirassiers, they even found enough spare to send some across to threaten Tillys Tercio - which in turn drew the Catholic carabiniers into an unwanted combat of their own as they sought to neutralise the threat to their most potent unit
With this the combined weight of losses through artillery, combat against superior foes, and general malaise, the Scots army crumbled. The result of the morning had been reversed and revenged, with a 25-0 win for Tilly
Click here for the report of the next game in this competition, or read on for the post match summaries from the Generals involved, as well as another episode of legendary expert analysis from Hannibal
Post Match Summary from the German Catholic Commander
Hail Mary, Hail Ceasar, Hail Me! Only a non-Catholic Pope could begridge me some gloating after so comprehensive a vistory as this. Perhaps I shall have to invent a Papish Submarine all the better to use the sprindboard of my initial unfortunate accident in the last game to return stealthily to the top of the table, or at least amongst those in the running to steal the altar silverware
This time, through the simple expedient of putting the blue clad unit on the right, I was able to do everything perfectly and smite the sullen and godless Scots and their miserable Presbetaryian religion back to the medically non-lubricated-toilet-paper-wiped arsehole of the world from whence they came.
The next game will surely see another triumph, as my genius has been unleashed and the level of military success that any left-footer such as myself should enjoy will be as inevitable as fish on Fridays.
Bring it on, for God, The Pope, and for my personal glory and enrichment. Possibly not in that order, but any 2 from 3 will probably do
Hannibal's Post Match Analysis
Verily, thou art naught but a puking beef-witted egg-shell for thinking that this was any sort of victory of your own making. The baseless and godless Scots are an army which is hamstrung as surely as if Sir Richard of the twon of Boldly-Scroatal on the Welsh Borders himself had reached below the hems of their "kilts" and trimmed their hamstrings himself with a blunt breadknife.
No army can support more than a single filler unit of Poor troops, so useless they are in combat, or even at the mere sight and sniff of buckshot. But this spur-galled maggot-pie of a list contains not one, but three units of such whoreson sheep-biting remnants, which is certainly fatal..
So, you came up against a list which was not optimum in the way that a one-legged wanton beef-witted scrape of a horse would not be seen as optimum for entering the 3:30 at Tavistock, and then you pride yourself on a victory which saw your Cuirassiers struggle to avoid embarassment, and your flanks being almost overturned?
When presented with such opportunity, the secret is not to offer up chances to the enemy, it is to take full and ruthless advantage, and then drive that advantage home with no mercy. Had I been in commnand I would have settled for no less than at least 30 points from a matchup such as this. If a churlish dog-hearted gudgeon such as you can score a 25 to 0 maximum, then surely a 30 to -5 win is not beyond the wit of normal man..
Click here for the report of the next game in this competition
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Game 1 Tillys German Catholic vs TYW Swedish
Game 2 Tillys German Catholic vs Scots & Parliamentarian
Game 3 Tillys German Catholic vs Royalist
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