The Swiss at Alicante 2025
This 2025's event at Alicante allowed me to wheel out my 15mm Swiss for the second time in only a few months, this time in a 6-game Medieval Europe event where I wanted to find out if the extra 20 points allowed at the recent Warfare event really did make all that much difference to my Swiss army's effectiveness
The event at Alicante also gave me a chance to take a very pretty, and very small army in hand luggage, two things which work in perfect harmony when deciding on army choice for overseas events in my book.
This Swiss army had won Warfare event at a canter, but whether they would do quite so well in Southern Spain was yet to be seen.
To reduce the list down from the 220 points allowed in Farnborough I had made as few changes as possible. This left e with an army which was only really 1 unit narrower, as a sole Ordinary Pikeman had been culled to save 11 points. This reduction was then increased by 6 through making the baggage unfortified, and the 20 was reached by including the Brilliant Commander in a unit.
The latter two changes were not without risk, but my logic was that maintaining the fighting power and frontage of the army was more important than any risk to a Elite Pike commander (who would almost always be flanked by 2 more Elite pike), and that during Warfare no-one had even gotten close to my baggage before being crushed by the Swiss wall of pikemen, so that was not such an issue either.
The lists for the Swiss and all of the other armies in these reports from Alicante 2025 can be seen here in the L'Art de la Guerre Wiki.
Game 1 Swiss vs Serbian
In this game Swiss army was facing an army of charging knights
This would therefore likely be either a very straightforward battle of lining up and letting teh SErbs impale themselves on the Swiss hedgehog, or an utter dice-inflicted disaster.
Game 2 Swiss vs Ottoman
In this game the Swiss army expected to be chasing shadows around a billiard table.
Just goes to show how wrong you can be sometimes !
Game 3 Ottomans again
Surely there cannot be another infantry-heavy Ottoman army in the draw?
The Swiss were not sure by now whether to hope for a game of chasing cavalry, or another ugly slugfest in terrain
Game 4 Swiss vs Burgundian Ordonnance
The Swiss were prepared to face their traditional foes, and hoped to get a traditional result as well
But the tea drinkers of Yorkshire had other plans..
Game 5 Swiss vs Condotta
In this game Swiss army intelligence corps had spotted that the Condotta may have some Albanians up their flouncy sleeves
That influenced the terrain, and the three preceding poor results influenced the tentative emergence of "tactics" as well.
Game 6 Swiss vs Hussite
Sticking pikes into a wooden wall seemed like a sensible way to finish the weekend, and so it came to pass.
Would William ever Tell if the Hussite can record a result other than a draw?
You can see some of these figures being assembled and painted elsewhere on this site. That includes the main blocks of Swiss Pikemen, and some Blue Moon figures which were nice, but so out of scale that I eventually ended up selling them.
That's the end - so why not go back to the Match Reports Index and read some more reports?
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