Buildings and Scenery
I have quite a bit of Timecast and Hovels stuff, but as they have decent websites with pictures, probably not worth putting here. Instead here's some other stuff:
Everything is a thumbnail image - click on it to open full-size in a new window.
Pendraken "Tobruk Style" bunker (PS27) | |
Same again, from behind | |
Sandbagged Bunker (PS17) | |
PAK 40 Covered Bunker (?) PS24
This comes with a PAK 40 gun - but I'm not sure how to attach it? |
PS7 Anti Tank Bunker (?) | |
Pendraken Ruined / Damaged / Derelict Houses - PS 1-4 (not sure which is which). | ![]() |
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Pendraken German Sentry Box (GR57) on a bit of flexible Faller Road | |
Home-made barbed wire with Fallschrimjaeger from Minifigs and Pendraken. The wire is silver plated 0.4mm wire from Knorr. Basing is ink-stained woodfiller built up on 1cm thick cardboard. | |
10mm "Dragons Teeth" made by me from plastic tile spacers (for grouting tiles. They are 1.5mm spacers, cut down to shorter lengths. | |