15mm Ancients Miniatures Suppliers
(This page is a bit of a monster, as it has loads of photos, and voting buttons. To see a faster, picture-free page click here).
As well as rating all of the 15mm ancient miniatures suppliers, this site has similar pages for comparing and rating 15mm Renaissance figures and miniatures, 20mm Modern metal figures , and 10mm ACW figures, 28mm Rennaissance Figures and 15mm Napoleonic Figures.
If you are looking for 15mm Greek, Roman, Persian, Medieval, Arab, Gallic, Byzantine, Catalan, Hungarian or Viking ancient wargames figures, you've come to the right place. This page has detail of the ranges carried by ALL the 15mm mass production ancients suppliers I have managed to track down and find. For each supplier there is a comprehensive listing of the armies they have figures for, a guide to how they package their ancient figures (singles, packs of 8 etc), details on how you can order from them, a short review of their website, and a link to that site. What it doesn't do is pick up 3D printers - commercial-scale 3D printing is still a relatively new development in the 15mm market (as of 2022), and has the potential to lead to an explosion in the number of ranges out there, to a point beyond my ability to catalogue, so I only plan to keep this page covering mass-produced metal (and plastic/resin) ranges. The information on this site was pretty much correct when I created it, and I try to keep it updated but please check shipping rates and quantities yourself when ordering. if you see anything that needs changing, please tell me via the email link at the bottom of the page
The page also includes some of my own highly subjective review ratings which combine ratings of the figures and the website/order process of the companies. You can also rate any of the manufacturers - please do vote on those you have figures for as this helps other gamers decide what to buy.
The following pictures are just a random selection of the 2,500+ photos I have gathered in the 15mm Photo Directory - you can see a bigger version of any photo on this page just by clicking on it. Photos in the 15mm Photo Directory can all be rated individually, so you can rate any specific figure that's in there - and in so doing help other gamers decide whats best for them
If you have photos for any of the manufacturers that I don't (or if you ARE the manufacturer and would like to let me carry your photos on this site to help promote your figures) I can easily add YOUR photos to this page and the directory - just scroll down to the bottom of this page and email me from the address there and we discuss how best to do it.
NEW and IMPROVED - search all the suppliers websites on this page for the figures you want using this Customized Google Search tool. It's been enhanced (as of Feb 2013) and now works pretty well

Please don't rely on my opinions for your buying decisions - make up your own mind, but hopefully this page will give you some more choices !
(Welcome to one of the busiest parts of Madaxeman.com)
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If you collect Renaissance Miniatures there is also a similar page to this one for suppliers of 15mm Renaissance figures. It can be accessed via this link
The 15mm Figure Manufacturers Listings
Essex Miniatures
- Essex have a vast range of 15mm figures in all periods, as well as a 25mm range too. I always think of Essex as the "baseline" for all other manufacturers - whatever army you are looking to buy Essex will have a figure range for it, and the decision you need to make is "can I find any manufacturer of figures I like better than those from Essex?"(or maybe "everyone will have these Essex figures - I want my stuff to look different as it will then give the impression that I have a personality of my own!"). IMO their figures are always to a good standard, take paint nicely but are sometimes accused of lacking a little in "personality" or animation. Very good consistency and compatibility throughout the entire range.
- Essex sells figures in packs of 8 foot or 4 mounted, usually with 2-3 variants per pack in the newer ranges.
- The Essex website is excellent throughout. There is a full listing of 15mm and 25mm figures, with a reasonably complete set of pictures of all the figures, either painted or in bare metal.
- You can buy online using credit cards, and Paypal. Essex also have an official US distributor for the Ancients & Renaissance ranges in the form of CB Miniatures They ship post-free to addresses in the US.
- Essex used to be known as Mikes Models way back in (ancient) history, and produced a very differently styled range. These "Mikes Models" figures are available on special order (at least the Renaissance ones), and there is even a whole special section on their website for them. They were much shorter and less anatomically correctly styled that the current ranges - but are still much loved by some collectors & gamers.
- Madaxeman's Supplier Rating : 7.5/10, simply because they are always going to be good enough in every range and every figure, and they form benchmark for everyone else. All of MY ratings on this site are therefore "relative" to Essex being at 7.5. The ratings are mostly for figure design and execution, but have a smattering of other factors in there as well, just to make life more subjective!
Donnington Figures
- Donnington have a large range of 15mm ancients figures which again cover most armies (Villanoval Italian, Samnites, Campanians, Lucians, Apulians, Etruscans, Hoplite Era Greeks, Macedonians & Successors, Ligurians, Republican Romans, Spanish, Carthaginians, Numidians, Celts & Galatians, Scythians, Marian Romans, Sivilians, Slave Revolt, Thracians, Natabeans, Early Imperial Romans, Parthians, Dacians, Sarmatians, Ancient Brits, Early Germans, Druids, Maccabean Jewish, Palmyrans, Middle & Late Romans, Carolingian & Merovingian Franks, Basques & Bretons, Arabs, Ottonians, Steppe Peoples, Ostrogoths, Slavs, Visigoths, Aquitanians, Lombards, Goths, Vandals, Sub Roman/Arthurian Brits, Huns, Nobades, Blemeye, Axumites, Sassanids, E Byzantines, Sarmacizing Goths, Anglo Saxons, Normans, Russians & Slavs, Byzantines & Easterners, Medieval Feudals & Crusaders, Mongols, Arabs, Turks & Andalusians, Ottomans, Roumanians, Timurids, Knights Hospitallers, WOTR, Continental English & Burgundians. The ranges have been developed over a number of years.
- The figures are the sort that look a bit simple in bare metal, but paint up really well. Usually a touch larger than Essex, and often a bit chunkier too
- Donnington - unusually - sell figures individually.
- The Donnington website is now among the best out there and they have new pictures showing nicely painted examples of all the figures in all their ranges. It's also fully set up for online ordering with an integrated cart system. They also offer a painting service through sister company Ancient & Modern Army Supplies (who paint armies to order).
- The site takes credit cards and Paypal. The site is very well laid out, and generates an automatic confirmation email after your order - though it does take you to the shopping cart each and every time you select a figure leaving you to navigate back manually - I suppose that's the price for the benefit of ordering individual figures! You may get a confirmation from Paypal from "D & J Ranasinghe Ltd".
- Early in 2009 Donnington created a new range, using a new sculptor, and branded "Donnington New Era". Initially these ranges cover 100YW (including Irish & Welsh), Swiss, Burgundians and Low Countries, now expanded to include Feudal Europe & The Crusades (Christian and Moslem factions), Vikings, Norse Irish, Rus, Normans, Anglo-Saxons & Danes and "Asiatic Horsemen". The quality is significantly higher than the old ranges, and size-wise they are starting to struggle to mix with some of the smaller Essex ranges (Essex's Medievals being a little on the small side).
- Donnington also sell Xyston figures in the UK, by mail; order and at shows - at a lower price point than Xyston themselves
- Madaxeman's Supplier Rating : 7.5/10, some of the older figures let the rest of the range down a little, but the website is great and individual figure ordering is a big plus too. The Romans, Arabs, Mongols, Sassanids and some of the Dark ages stuff are very good, so watch what you buy (which is easy as the pictures are all posted on their website) - and they do "Dead Guys!".
New Era Donnington Figures
Old Glory 15's
Available direct from the US site, however Timecast can supply in the UK as well, sometimes on order
- A huge range of all the usual suspects from Biblical to Medieval again - like Essex, firmly in the "assume they have it" category. They also carry the "Rank & File" generic Middle Ages range,and the "Battle Honors" range covering Carthaginians, Greeks (Late Classical Era), Sassanids and Romans (Camillan/Caesarian).
- The figures are compatible with Essex, and many take a paint job excellently despite looking a little crude in the bare metal - with quite heavyweight spears for example cast in-hand - than some other manufacturers out there.
- Biblical ranges include Babylonian Empire, Hittites, Mycenaeans, New Assyrians Empire, New
Kingdom Egyptians, Sea Peoples, Syrian City States, - Classical Ranges incude Armenians, Carthaginians, Dacians, Early Germans, Early Sassanids, Franks/Later Germans, Gauls, Germans 1-4th Century, Hellenistic Greeks, Huns, Imperial Romans, Indians, Italian City States, Late Achaemenid Persians, Late Romans, Liby/Phoenicians, Lybians, Macedonians, Marian Romans, Nubians, Numidians, Palmyrans, Parthians, Picts, Republican Romans, Sarmatians, Saxons, Scots/Irish, Skythians, Spanish, Successor States, Thracians, Visigoths/Ostrogoths/Lombards/Vandals
- Medieval & Dark Ages ranges include Andalusian Arabs, Anglo-Saxons/Jutes, Arab Conquest, Arthurian Britons, Asiatic Horse Armies, Belisarian/Heraclian Byzantines, Byzantines 7-13th Century, Carolingians, Crusades (Holy Orders, Outremer Knights, Saracens & 3rd Crusade medievals) Mongols, Normans, Spanish Normans, Ottonians, Rus, Seljuk Turks, Slavs, Vikings, Hundred Years War, Medieval Russians plus the Rank & File generic medieval ranges
- They also do Captive Sets, DBM or DBA Camp Sets & some Generic Ancient Packs
- OG used to sell in packs of 50 foot and 16 mounted - with multiple poses per pack, but the numbers seem to have gone down to a more manageble 24 infantry now. 50 was a chunky number, so a good job they are among the cheapest on offer. They also have unit deals in FoG sizes.The Battle Honors ranges are 2 foot for $6.
- The US site is gradually adding pictures of unpainted packs for all the ranges (hoorah!). Ordering about 8 packs from the US recently I paid around $20 in postage, which is calculated at the end of the order process - shipping is claimed at 10-14 days from the US to elsewhere. They take Paypal and credit cards
- Madaxeman's Supplier Rating : 7.5/10. The American for "Essex Miniatures" in many ways, wallet-saving pricing and "always good enough" design more than makes up for the monster pack sizes.
Museum Miniatures
Museum Figures
- Museum sell 15mm & 28mm figures cast in a pewter-like metal. For Ancients gamers, the 15mm selection covers Alexandrians & Successors, Ancient Brits, Arab Conquest, Neo Assyrians, Bactrian Greeks, Byzantines, carthaginians, Chin Chou & Shang Chinese, Cilician Armenians, Crusaders (Early & Late), Egyptians, El Cid Era Dark Ages, Galatians & Gauls, Gladiators, Greek Hoplites, Indians, Ilkhanid Mongols, Islamic Persians, Khwarismians, Mamluks, 100YW French & English, WOTR, Welsh, Normans, Ottomans, Camillan Romans, Myceneans, Early & Middle Romans, Seljuqs, Skythians, Thracians, Hussites, Samurai & Vikings.
- Since 2018 they have been launching a series of new ranges with 3D CAD sculpts which have taken the ancients gaming world a bit by storm. Currently so far they have Sumerians, Indians (replacing their old Indian range) Greeks of the Classical and Hoplite era, Myceneans (again replacing an old range), Scythians, Achaemenid Persians and others no doubt coming soon. These are worthy of a whole different rating scheme - they are very good figures, although sometimes the detail can be a little shallower in the metal than on the 3D renders they have on their website
- Sizing is usually bigger than Essex, especially on some of the newer ranges which veer towards the "18mm" end of the scale and can make some of the figures look a little lanky - but the website has a massive and good set of pics so you can decide for yourself easily enough. The dismounted knights are among my favorites, and are as good as full Essex-compatible.
- They sell in packs of 8 foot and 4 mounted, with many of the mounted coming as one piece castings of horse and rider. Swords, spears and shields are cast in hand, and all the ranges are designed and cast in house. There are a few variants in some packs, but where they exist they are not usually wildly different.
- The website has pictures of nearly all of the figures, usually painted or as 3D renders in the case of the Z ranges, takes credit cards and generates an online confirmation email. Navigation is good with the figure codes and descriptions all shown on the same page, and an online cart that will take multiple orders from each page in one click.
- Madaxeman's Supplier Rating : The old stuff is a 7/10 for me, only sliding below the Essex median of 7.5 on a couple of technicalities - slightly variable, slightly large sizes and a few odd poses in the ranges - but the new Z ranges are great if sometimes not quite as good in the metal as the 3D sculpts. The website gives more than enough help to make sure you pick the right ones
- A venerable range of 15mm ancients covering the standard of Greek & Rome, Egypt & Assyria and the Medieval period. Ranges include a Classical selection of Hoplite Greeks, Early & Late Achemenid Persians, Bactrians, Saka, the usual range of Thracian and similar mercenaries, Macedonians, Successors, Mid & Late Republican Romans, Carthaginians, Indians, various Legionaries, Cavalry and auxiiaup to the 5th Century, Byzantines, Germans, Goths, Franks, Ancient British & Gallic, Picts, Dacians, Sassanids, Armenians, Jewish, Spanish, Palmyran, Huns, Goths.
- In Biblical they have Egyptians and Assyrians, and in Medieval a Dark Ages range covering Normans, Byzantines, Carolingians, Ottonian Franks, Rus, Slavs, Arabs, Saxons, Asiatic Nomands such as Khazars, Magyars & Alans. Other Medieval ranges include Samurai, Tang Chinese, C12/13 generic Europeans, Crusaders, English, Welsh, Flemish, Spanish, Poles, Russians, Byzantines, as well as Arabs including Mamluks, Bedouin, Berbers, Ayyubids, Turks, Fatiminds, Grenadine & Andalusians, Mongols, Seljuks and Syrians. They also have a Early and a Late 100YW range, and a WOTR range, with figures for all sides in these combats.
- Minifigs have been around since before I was born (-ish) and some of the castings are starting to show their age. The lack of raised, dry-brushable/inkable detail on many of the figures looks very, very dated. A new improved website sees pictures on the increase throughout the site, with none for some ranges
- Supplied in the usual packs of 4 and 8 all cast with spears and shields in place, cast in the UK and also in the US.
- The site itself is great, with clear navigation and a simple shopping cart. Takes Paypal or credit cards.
- Madaxeman's Supplier Rating : 5/10 - again the world has moved on since these figures were designed. They aren't "bad", but they are a little light on detail and character. If you have some already and need to bulk out a unit or two, or want some that are simple to paint up for an en-mass effect they may be for you. The 10mm WW2 armour is far better!
- Minifigs now also sell the Matchlock Miniatures ranges, which have the following ranges listed on the Minifigs website. Assyrians, Dark Ages (Saxon and Norman era), Italian Wars, Aechemenid Persians, Macedonians, Samurai, Scythians. These are sold as singles for 40 pence each.
Irregular Miniatures
- Biblicals, Romans and enemies, Dark Ages & Medievals that can vary in quality but again paint up better than they generally look. Some I have had bought (Rus/Vikings) are larger than Essex-standard.
- The ranges cover Egyptians & Libyans, Mid Republican Romans, Indians, Thracians, Scythians, Hoplite and Hellenistic / Successor Greeks, Carthaginians, Spanish, Celts, Maccabean, Italian City States, Early & Late Persians, Marian Romans, Imperial Romans, Sassanids, Dacians, Germans, Parthians, Palmyrans, Late Romans, Sassanids, Vikings, Rus, Saxons, Byzantines, Khmer, Burmese, Tibetans, Koreans, Goths & Lombards, Normans, Samurai, Mongols, Sung Chinese, Arab Conquest, Berber, Khazar, Ayyubid Egyptian, Arab Empire, Andalusian, Ghuzz, Seljuk Turk, East Sudanese, Grenadine, Pechneg, West Sudanese, Abyssinian, Syrian, Ghaznavid, Cuman, Mamluk, Early Ottoman Turk, Fatmid Egyptian, Kwariziman, Mid and Late Ottoman Turk, Hungarian, Swiss, Pre Feudal Scots, Burgundian, Early Polish, Scots Common, 100 Years War French, 100 Year War English, Early Russian, Catalan Company, Later Polish, Medieval Spanish, War Of The Roses Yorkist, War Of The Roses Lancastrian, Prussian, Irish, Teutonic Order and Early/Late Crusaders
- They do also do a wide range of animals, which are excellent for populating your baggage camp!
- Figures are sold individually and are cast with weapons and shields in hand. There are some pictures on the website that will give you an indication of most ranges, using painted figures - but not the full range by any means.
- The site has a reasonable navigation system, with a main menu at the bottom. It however does not have any form of secure online ordering, and this really limits them to payment by cheque or phoned-in/faxed-in orders (unless you are mad enough to send your credit card details by email).
- Madaxeman's Supplier Rating : 4.5/10 for 15mm ancients figures as the world has moved on from when these many of ranges were first produced - and no online ordering??. Hide some in larger units for variety - and they do get extra marks for having single figure ordering - and the animals are good!
- Xyston sell Thracians, Indians, Greek Hoplites, Bithinyans, Achemenid Persians, Kappadocians, Alexandrians & Successors and early Romans in a range of "Premium Quality" miniatures that are packed with character, variety and the sort of deeply and cleanly sculpted figures that grab the paint and ink off your table and smear it on themselves in a "Nigella Lawson does Painting a Wargaming Army" sort of way. But they seem to have decided to pack in all this wonderful detail by making the figures, well, bigger than 15mm - especially some of the Roman ranges which climb towards 20mm - although to be fair this seems to have been a one off and more recent sculpts are back to "slightly big 15mm". The site has pictures of unpainted figures for all the ranges.
- The usual 8 foot & 4 mounted per pack, with a variety of separate shields, and a huge amount of variety of poses in each pack. At least some of the packs of spearmen come without spears so you will need your own wire - and maybe even a drill to open out their hands as well.
- The site is pretty good, but seems to have an odd navigation system that doesn't make it that easy to see exactly what ranges they have. It takes Paypal and credit cards. Donnington also sell them in the UK (for slightly less than Xyston themselves) and as of 2020 some of the ranges were temporarily made in Ultracast plastic by Plastic Soldier Company, an arrangement which was short lived and is no longer in operation!
- Xystons figures come without spears, and with hands you can easily drill out to
make sure the spears do stick. If you've not got a drill here's a link to a Mini Drill Set from Amazon.co.uk
and a hand-push drill
and also a powered hobby drill
both from Amazon.com.
- Madaxeman's Supplier Rating : 9.5/10 - for the 15mm range only. The question is trying to work out which of them are actually 15mm....
- The beautiful Italian-produced Mirliton ranges of 15mm figures for the Swiss Burgundian Wars, Italian Condotta, Italian Commune Wars, Crusaders (from 1090-1230, suitable for other armies too) & Teutonics, Medieval Nevsky Russians, and Early Roman/Etruscans from Mirliton have a reputation for being some of the most anatomically correct 15mm figures on the market. The Mirliton Teutons in particular are the figures to get for this army. They are marginally bigger than Essex, but not to the point of incompatibility.
- Both ranges are sold in packs of 4 mounted or 8 foot. They have separate spears and shields.
- The figures are close to Essex in height, but generally have more detail and look to be perhaps the most accurately proportioned of any manufacturer out there (most 15mm figures are a little chubbier and shorter than if real people were scaled down to 15mm).
- The website has pictures of nearly all the figures - some painted, some not - and can take online orders using credit cards or Paypal.
- Madaxeman's Supplier Rating : 9.5/10 for Mirliton figures. Like painting really small real people made out of metal - if only I could find some glue that kept shields on and kept swords and spears in their hands... (I haven't got any of the other ranges)
Lancashire Games
- Big range of Biblical, classical and Medieval figures which can vary considerably in quality, but which are priced at the lower end of the scale as well - if you are looking to bulk out an army quickly, this is for you.
- Ranges include New Kingdom Egypt, Assyrians, Libyans, Elamites, Canaanite, Hittites, Sea Peoples, Nubians, Early Germans, Parthians, Celts & Brits, Sarmatians, Sassanids, Dacians, Mongols, Macedonians, Republican Romans, Marian Romans, Achemenid Persians, Imperial Romans, Late Romans, Carthaginians, Goths, Pre-Islamic Arabs, Normans, Saxons, Vikings, Generic Later Medievals, Teutonic Knights (new in 2013) & Samurai.
- They come packed in two sizes - packs of 10 foot or 4 mounted or in even better value Battle Packs of 60 foot or 24 mounted - with lots of variants in each pack. At shows they tend to sell only the packs of troops bagged up in much bigger quantities. The figures come cast with spears and shields, usually in a fairly soft metal.
- Recently (2018) they have been releasing some new ranges which appear to be a bit more contemporary in style (aka "better"). These include a Dark Ages range of Normans, Vikings and Saxons
- Madaxeman's Supplier Rating : 4/10 but still value for money. There are some (very) bright spots in the ranges (look at the Dervish swordsman in the pics above), but generally thy are in the "pile it high and paint it quick" territory. They are by no means poor or terrible figures, but there are simply many better ones out there - unless you are on a very tight budget, in which case Lancashire win hands down.
Thistle & Rose Miniatures
- Thistle & Rose have now (July 2019) started selling some of the former "Feudal Castings" (that's the name of the range) ranges of figures which were originally produced by the company who are now QRF but trade sometimes as Freikorps, but then sold the Feudal Castings ranges to Sgt Major Miniatures in the US who were selling them under the Bloody Day brand and who then went into liquidation ... are you following me yet? Anyways, Thistle & Rose are now the place to go to get The Feudal Castings ranges (Kushites, Picts, Ethiopian Axumites, Vikings, Feudal/Medieval Scots, Welsh, Irish, Islemen, Normans, Saxons, generic Mediaeval, Wars of the Roses, Koori)
- Thistle & Rose also produce the "Thistle & Rose" ranges as well - these are a range of 15mm miniatures which were initially manufactured and sold by Jamie Fish (from roughly 1985 to 2000), and were last seen in the UK being sold in the UK by Black Hat maybe a decade or so ago I think. I've got some great Normans from this range, so it's great to hear they are back on the market under new ownership. The ranges are Enemies of Rome (1- Gauls, 2- Galatians, 3- Early Germans, 4- Sassanids, 5- Franks, 6- Picts), Foes in Chainmail (1- Early Eastern Europeans, 2- Welsh, 3- Vikings, 4- Scots/irish, 5- Rus and Early Russians, 6- Normans, 7- Saxons), Age of Cavalry (1- Turcomans, 2- Crusaders, 3- Mongols, 4- Islamic Persians, 5- Later Medieval, 6- Hussites)
- They also now own the master castings for the Venexia 15mm Biblical lines - but are yet to find time (in what sounds like a busy schedule) to turn these into production moulds.
- Bill Hupp is the gentleman who has stepped up to the plate to do us all a favour by keeping these ranges in circulation, and he plans to run it as a retirement business, meaning a full website may also be forthcoming in time if it goes well. You can reach the new owner on Facebook and order by email using Paypal n packs of 8 foot and 4 mounted.
Peter Pig
- Mostly a WW2 supplier (for which they are tremendous) Peter Pig have a small range of ancients covering Romans, Egytptians, WOTR armies (for their own Bloody Barons rules) Tuaregs, Parthians and Germans. In 2022 Peter Pig also announced a new expanded Dark Ages range adding to their existing Vikings with some Saxons and Carolingians, and have recently added more Hellenistics too. They are nice figures, but the ancient ranges are a little small in both scope and stature compared to the Essex standard (not sure about the WOTR stuff). Look out for the "Men Being Rude" pack!
- They come in packs of 8 foot and 4 mounted, all cast in a hard metal with shields and spears in place, with 2-3 variants in most packs. There are pictures on the website of all of the ranges
- The website does what it needs to by listing all the figure codes, and having quite a few pictures. It has online ordering via a cart and takes Paypal or Credit Cards. All the ranges are designed and cast in house.
- Madaxeman's Supplier Rating : Much as I love the World of The Pig, it's 7/10 for the ancients mainly on size compatibility rather than design/casting - but the WOTR looks to be a bit bigger and so creeps up into the 8/10 category. The ancients are a small part of what PP do, and the WW2 stuff would be into the 9-9.5 territory for sure - but a small range of smallish figures that make it difficult to create a whole army. The only choice for Tuaregs however!
LKM Direct
- Now selling as QRF, this is the longtime home of the oft-overlooked Friekorps ranges of 15mm Ancients that covers Romans and Greeks, Carthaginians, Spanish, Early Germans, Gauls, Numidian, Parthians, Vikings, Samurai. All pre-1900 ranges now go under the Freikorps brand on their website, with a separate listing for pre-medieval Ancients. The castings can sometime seem to be a little under-detailed, depending on which range is chosen. They tend to have great personality figures as well
- Possibly in recognition of this, QRF are systematically replacing some of their older ranges - the Imperial Romans were the first to be done. Another reason to check the photos on their site
- QRF also were the home of the Feudal Castings range, but according to this announcement on TMP some of the Feudal castings ranges (Kushites, Picts, Ethiopian Axumites, Vikings, Feudal/Medieval Scots, Welsh, Irish, Islemen, Normans, Saxons, generic Mediaeval, Wars of the Roses, Koori) which were once under this banner were sold to a US-based company Sgt Major Miniatures who were selling them under the Bloody Day brand. In 2017 Sgt Major have put the business up for sale and are not currently producing minis
- Sold in packs of 8 foot and 4 mounted, with variants in most packs and there are many cast with separate spears and/or shields. They also sell bases and flags as well as other accessories.
- The website is good, with simple navigation, and pictures of nearly all the ranges - usually unpainted - that can be enlarged. The site uses Paypal for payment, and so also takes credit cards.
- Madaxeman's Supplier Rating : Quality is almost too patchy to give a rating. Some (the Classical & Roman Generals for example) are excellent, but some are quite poor. Have a good look at the images on their website before ordering. Size-wise they are Essex-compatible.
Tin Soldier
- A large range of Hellenistic, Ancient Italian States, Celtic (400-150BC), Spanish (Punic), Carthaginian, Republic Roman, Sub-Roman (Brits), Viking, Saxon, Norman, Byzantine, Rus, Slavic, Asiatic, Arab/Eastern Nations, Medieval, The Universal Soldier, Samurai, Aztecs, Conquistadores, Warriors of Abyssinia, Carolingian. Some of the ranges (medievals, and especially the Hellenistic Greeks & Indians) have a very distinctive style that in its extremes veers towards the cartoonish - which is not to everyone's tastes, but is definitely exactly right for some as well (the fat trumpeter in the Greek officer pack is fantastic!). These ranges do fit with Essex, but the chubby chaps will look a bit out of place.
- The figures are sold in the usual packs of 8 and 4. Shields and spears are cast in hand. They are all designed and cast by Tin Soldier.
- The site has just bee revamped and whilst it currently only has some overview pictures of complete ranges, I suspect more pics are coming soon.
- The good news is they now also have a bang up to date facility for online ordering - using SagePay for credit cards and Paypal
- Madaxeman's Supplier Rating : 8/10 or 3/10 - you will either love the Greek & Indian figures and have to have them or laugh out loud at them. But don't assume the rest share their styling or you will miss out on some great pieces.
Two Dragons (by Caliver Books)
- Vikings & Rus, Samurai and Mid to Late Anglo-Saxons, Rus, Slav, Carolingian/Normans and Generic Armed Villagers and Townsfolk in a slightly "Battlefront WW2 figures" style. Huge variety in the range - but a very limited range of armies. The default choice for Samurai, and (to my mind) Normans, Vikings & Rus - wonderfully animated figures.
- Not entirely sure but I think they may be in the usual 8 & 4 packs - After a brief time with Dixon Miniatures (the original sculptors I think) they are now being sold by Caliver Books in the UK. All cast with shields and spears in place. The personality sets are especially well animated and put together. They know how to make nice Vikings, Normans and Samurai - but they also know how to charge for them as well.
- Madaxeman's Supplier Rating : 9/10 - why don't they do more? Why are they not to everyone's tastes either...?
East Front Miniatures (Formerly East Riding Miniatures)
- East Riding's ranges have recently (Autumn 2021) been sold and are now marketed under the East Front Miniatures banner by Andy Bruce. The ancients ranges in 15mm include Indians, Elymaians, Parthians, Early Imperial Romans as well as a Medieval El Cid range , plus some eastern Renaissance suitable for use in many East European medieval armies
- Sold in 8's & 4's sold via an online shop taking Paypal & credit cards.
Alternative Armies (Isarus Figures) on 15mm.co.uk
- Now sold under the Alternative Armies banner, this range has also gone by the name of Isarus, and the company used to brand themselves as 15mm.co.uk. They offer a venerable range of sculpts including some previously made by Tabletop Games waaaay back in the day, in packs of 8 & 4 as usual.
- Selucids, Huns, Sassanids, Goths, Blemye, Sarmatians, Normans, Vikings, Mongols, late Romans, Byzantines, Saxons & Vikings & and a textbook medieval range too under the Medus brand. There are also some Renaissance figures that may fit in Ancients. They are old sculpts, so tend to be smaller than even the benchmark Essex ranges, especially when it comes to horses (which is perhaps fine if you want Steppe ponies!)
- The site has pictures of all of the figures in the ranges, and takes credit cards and Paypal.
Khurasan Miniatures
- Well regarded and constantly expanding US based online only retailer but shipping worldwide
- Have an ever expanding range (check their website for new announcements) including Biblical ranges starting with Gascans, New Kingdom Egyptians, Classical & Roman ranges of Classical Indians, Early Achemenid Persians (including some Greeks), Kushans, Indo-Saka, Indo-Parthians, Avars, Huns, Alans, Sarmatians, Persians, 3-7th Century Germans, Germans/Foederati, Antonine Romans, Early Imperial Romans, Late Romans, Byzantines. Into the Dark ages with Nikephorian Byzantines, Anglo Danes, Vikings , Franks/Normans/First Crusaders including Saracens and Greeks, and then the Arab countries of Khurasanian, Ghaznavid, Daylami Dynasties, Western Sudanese and other Eastern Muslim/Arabs, Turcomans, Khurasanians, Tadjiks , Tuaregs. Further East you have Han Chinese, Tang Chinese, Sung Chinese, Manchu/Quing Chinese, Tibetans, 3 Kingdoms Koreans, Yayoi Japanese, Siamese, Timurid Mongols, Jurchen-Jin and then in South America its' the Iroquios, Mapuche, Chichimecs, Chinantecs (both Central American tribes), Inca. Into Europe and the Medieval ages there are XIV Teutonics, Medieval Swedes, Kofun/Asuka Japanese, Early Swiss, 100YW, Late XIV Medievals, C16 Irish, .
- The ranges all come from different sculptors, so can vary considerably in style and stature - check the pictures ! Figures sold in pack sizes of 2 or 3 cavalry or 4 infantry - this is seemingly random across the ranges so make sure you check all the pack sizes too before ordering!.
- Most ranges also come from different sculptors, so compatibility between ranges is not always as good as with some other manufacturers.
- Ordering online via Paypal only, (so credit cards using Paypals secure interface as well). The owner has a import tax//VAT work-around for UK and European customers. A fairly complete set of pictures of the ranges are shown on the site.
Lurkio Figures
- UK based manufacturer currently "on pause" as they look for someone to run the casting and mail order business, Lurkio had a number of ranges including Sassanid Persians, Nikephorian Byzantines, Late Romans, Sarmatians, Scythians & Saka, Dailami, East European Steppe, Three Kingdoms to Northern Wei, Han Chinese, Qin Chinese, Xiongnu, Almughavars, Mongols, 4-7th Century Germans, Post Roman British, Early Byzantines, Western Huns, later Moors, Inca, Canari and Mapuche tribes as well as Chimu and Mochica ranges from the Americas. Generally Essex-sized but interestingly animated, they have lots of variety in each range (with multiple sculptors working on them) and are sold in unit packs and "single bases" (i.e. according to DBx basing conventions) and in some army pack sizes. Some of the earlier cavalry are cast in 2 pieces with a split at the waist.
- Lurkio had previously been produced and sold by The Little Corporal, with some ranges also sold in "ultracast" plastic by Plastic Soldier Company however both of these arrangements ended soon after Covid, and so currently a new person appearing to take over the metal casting side of things is the most likely way to get them in future.
- Madaxeman's Supplier Rating : 8/10
Blue Moon Manufacturing
- 18mm-ish manufacturer (ie Xyston-sized rather than Essex-sized), a sub-brand of 25mm manufacturer Old Glory and so available in the UK from Old Glory UK, with a growing number of ranges including Gauls and Romans (from the Gallic Wars), Dacians, Imperial Romans, Ancient Germans from the same era as well as some Crusades Arabs and Crusaders, and an impressive 100YW and Italian Wars pair of ranges too. The Deep Dark Africa range would also cover some Ancient era armies
- Sold in packs of 30 foot or 9 mounted, each with a good number of variations per pack. The shields are generally cast separately - with a peg on the shield and hole on the forearm - to create even more variety as well as the wide range of different bodies. There are pics on the Blue Moon site of some of them, and some nice photos of the Romans here
Forged in Battle
- UK-based Forged in Battle launched a Kickstarter-funded initiative in 2013 called War & Empire to create a number (17) of ancients ranges in 15mm. The Kickstarter hit all of it's funding targets, and was soon followed by a second tranche of Dark Ages armies with all of these ranges now in proper production.
- The ranges are very comprehensive and include: Macedonian, Carthage, Numidian, Spanish Gallic Army/British Celts, Republican Roman (Punic Wars), Skythian, Thracian (Illyrian & Getic), Early Hoplite Greek, Early Achaemenid Persian, Late Achaemenid Persian, Classical Indian, Later Hoplite Greek, Macedonian Successors & Hellenistic Armies, Later Seleucid, Italians, Republican Roman (Caesars Gallic Wars), Late Roman, Palmyran, Hunnic, Early Byzantine, Mid Byzantine, Late Byzantine, Arab, Ghaznavid, Norman, Anglo Saxon, Viking, Romano-British/Arthurian, Carolingian, Lombard, Rus, Slav and Asiatic (mounted) Hordes.
- The figures are highly rated - they are designed to be easy to paint, with strong detail to pick up shading and washes. They are sold in unit packs of 12 cavalry or 24 infantry with random poses in each pack, and the website has some great photos of them all painted and unpainted. They also sell starter armies, buildings and accessories including shield transfers.
- I have some photos of their Numidian range, including height comparisons with other similar ranges published on this site
Legio Heroica
- Another Italian manufacturer with a number of well thought of Ancient & Medieval ranges - Crusaders and Crusades Era Arabs, with a lot of personality figures included in both, a generic Feudal Europe range 1195-1250, Swiss & Burgundian ranges from 1450-90. For earlier eras they run Mongol, Late Roman and some Romes Enemies ranges with Goths, Huns and Sassanids as well as getting into the dark ages with (Anglo-)Saxon and viking ranges too. They also have Ottomans & Poles from 1683, some fo which may be usable for Ancients.
- They are highly regarded great little figures, and are arguably the best match for Essex in size of any manufacturer (although the Vikings and Saxons are noticably bigger at around 17mm), whilst often having a fair bit more personality than Essex figures too.
- The founder and sculptor Guiseppe sadly passed away in 2020, however his family stated they planned to continue the business - however since then service has been spotty at best, so while they are no doubt nice people ordering from them may not be the speediest process in the world. The website is still very good for pictures, and they sell in packs of 8 foot and 3 mounted for about Euro 3.80, and also do some large deals.
- The site accepts paypal and bank transfers (and cheques!)
Eureka - Australian Site
AB Miniatures Figures
Eureka and AB Miniatures Figures
- Eureka can be bought from Australia, but they also have a UK site (since 2019) at Eureka UK .
- Eureka make probably the definitive range of Almughavars (with a huge variety) a limited ranges of Abyssinians (some have muskets, so slightly later than Ancients but probably still OK), Hawaiians, Amazonian Indians (the infamous Tupi!), Samurai, Mound Builder Era North Americans, Nan Chao Chinese and Sumerians, all of which are top notch (and priced to match)
- The (quite large - in fact getting towards 18mm) AB ranges also cover Greek City States, Hellenistics, some highly regarded Sassanids, and Late Romans and are of equal quality to the others.
- Well put together site with pictures of unpainted minis for all ranges. They are one of the few manufacturers to still offer to sell individual figures
Viking Forge
- Another US manufacturer with a fairly large range of figures, who also recently moved to a new website.
- Ranges for New Kingdom Egyptian, Assyrian, Classical Greek, Thracian, Ancient Artillery, Early Achaemenid Persian, Alexandrian Macedonian, Republican Roman, Skythian, Carthaginian, Spanish, Late Achaeminid Persian, Gallic/Ancient British, Successor, Late Macedonian, Parthian Han Chinese, Early Imperial Roman, ,Dacian, Sarmatian, Late Imperial Roman, Palmyran, Asiatic Hordes, Sassanid Persian, Hun, Turkish, Tibetan, Byzantine, Arab Conquest/Empire, Russ, Generic Feudal, Tang Chinese, Ottonian Frank, Viking, Late Saxon, Norman, Early, Japanese, Mongol, Mameluke.
- Viking Forge only toook $$ cheques or money orders so probably weren't ever trying too hard to sell to the UK!
QR Miniatures
- QR Miniatures is a Polish company selling 15mm figures relating to Polish history - from Poland.
- Currently they list ranges for Vikings, 13 Years War (Teutonic Knights, other knights, etc.), Early Middle Ages Polish, Early Middle Ages German, Slavs, Magyars plus some Renaissance ranges of Poles and Hungarians (1576-1631) that might just about squeeze in some Ancients-relevant figures - all in packs of 8 foot or 8 mounted
- Ordering is by email only, with total provided in a reply, and by sending money through Paypal. The mounted figures come as one piece castings and are nicely detailed
Splintered Light
- Several ranges now in a 15/18mm dark Ages set of ranges, including Skraelings, Normans, Vikings, Picts, Scots-Irish, Robin Hood (!), Early Saxons and Romano British as well as some villagers. From the photos (comprehensive, and of unpainted inked figures) on their site they look pretty good, and other peoples painting of them (see above) also is impressive.
- They take PayPal and ship from the USA, or they can be bought from a UK distributor The Little Corporal
- Baueda, originally mostly known for manufacturing resin baggage camps and fortifications also has a rapidly expanding range of figures, and are using crowdfunding sites to help kickstart some new ranges all the time.
- They now have ranges with lots of hairy dark-age type Roman foes including ranges of Lombards, East Franks (888-1106AD), Carolingian Franks, (639-888AD), Middle Franks (496-639), Norse Irish (842-1300), Germanic Tribes (150-450) Late Republican Roman camp workers plus (Greek) Flaming Pigs, Emeshi Northern Japanese tribal warriors, and some Ottoman-Balcan Yaya incendiary javelinmen, and (since February 2009) they also have the exclusive rights to produce the rather nice ex-50 Paces Viking range sculpted by M. Campagna, which is now also complemented by a Norman range by the same sculptor. Gallic, Marian Romans and Vandals, Ostrogoths, Gepids, Early Franks, Saxons, Visigoths and Ostrogoths have been added, although the company is now also pushing 3D printed models designed by another company too
- The baggage and fortifications are great as well!
- Baudea's site has pictures of minis for all the ranges. They sell figures for about Euro 3.50 for 8 foot and offer DBA & Impetus army packs for Emeshi and Vikings.
- The site accepts Paypal and thru paypal, credit cards
Rebel Mini's
- US-based 15mm supplier with a broad range of modern and sci-fi stuff, with two 15mm ancients ranges, Imperial Romans and Gladiators, tucked away on their website.
- The Romans were released initially in 2008, so it seems unlikely the range will expand any time soon!
- The site accepts credit cards
Elite Wargames and Models (the former Jacobite Miniatures from Stronghold ranges)
- The moulds for the Jacobite Miniatures ranges previously sold by Stronghold has now been acquired by a chap from the Wargames Association of Reading club. They are trading under the name Elite Wargames And Models, and are gradually working through the moulds they have to put the ranges back together. They now have a website where you can see a list of the figures they have managed to work out what they are and put them into ranges based on what apparently was a set of unmarked moulds.
- When they were listed at Stronghold the ranges included Tibetans, Turks, Ch'in Chinese, Hoplite Greeks, Macedonian Greeks, Thracians, Achaemenid Persians and Indians - the Dark Ages/Medievals included Saxons, Vikings, Normans, Eastern Europeans (Hungarians, Poles, Lithuanians, Teutons), Russians, Mongols, Generic European Medievals, Early & Late C16 European Generic Medievals, Burgundians, Later Swiss & Elizabethan Irish & Scots that may also be suitable for Ancients. As of Warfare 2012 they certainly had Arabs, Greeks, Hoplites and some of the Dark Ages stuff too already identified and available.
- I found a rather old review of the figures available here on Fanaticus
- They are being sold for £2.50 for 8 foot/4 mounted.
- Seemed like nice people when OI met them on their stand - email them for ordering details
Testudo Miniatures now sold by Campaign Games
- Testudo miniatures are now available again, this time from Campaign Game Miniatures. The handful of Testudo figures are mixed on their website with the Warmodelling and Xyston product lines they already resell
- There are pictures on the site of these generally very highly regarded sculpts, which are rather large compared to the "Essex standard". They are a good match for the Roman & Gallic Xyston figures, or maybe some Warmodelling ones.
- Online ordering is possible via paypal as well
Fire & Sword System
- Produced in Poland, and available from Polish gaming site wargamer.pl
- Also now available in the UK from North Star Figures
- A new nominally Renaissance range that has useful Muscovites, Cossacks and Crimean Tatars as well as XVII Poles and Ottomans.
- Sold direct and via North Star in unit sized packs that work out at about 1 Euro per mounted figure.
- The Polish site takes Paypal, and they send postage after you have clicked to order - some great photos online too. Northstar are a very slick online operation, so a great web purchasing platform.
Battle Line Miniatures of New Zealand
- A manufacturer from New Zealand, formerly known as Wildly inspired Miniatures - among other names.
- Ranges include Arabs, Assyrians, Blemmye, Byzantines, Goths, Han Chinese, Hellenistics (Greeks), Huns, Hussites, Indians, Late Romans, Mongols, New Knigdom Egyptians, Normans, Ottoman Turks, Sarmatians, Sassanid Persians, Saxons and Vikings.
- Some of the ranges are the former Tabletop Games range also carried by 15mm.co.uk (see photos above).
- Their website is long gone, but a Facebook Page for them suggests they might perhaps take orders via email - but with no catalogue available online that's a bit of a gamble!
Stonewall Figures (formerly Warmodelling/Fantassin/Campaign Game Miniatures
- Originally launched in 2008, the ranges formerly known as Warmodelling (and then Campaign Game Miniatures, and then Captain Miniatures) are now being sold under the Stonewall Miniatures banner by Stonewall Figures in the UK. There is apparently some sort of ongoing legal action being taken against Stonewall by the original licensee in Spain who now runs Xan Miniatures and claims that Stonewall are producing these figures without a license. The figures I got from Stonewall in early 2020 were pretty poor quality castings, which were very different to some Warmodelling ones I bought many years earlier so on that basis there may well be some truth in these claims.
- The Ancients ranges have listings are for Republican Roman, Gallic, Alexandrian, Carthaginian and Caesarian Romans. The figures are more like 18mm than 15mm, being compatible with Xystons larger ranges.
- The figures are sold in packs of 8 foot and 4 mounted for around £3.50.
Miniature Wars from Strategia Nova (formerly sold by / branded as Strategia et Tactica) in Italy
- Strategia Nova of Italy sell the Miniature Wars range previously sold by Strategia et Tactica (who went bust... so it's the same lot, new name by all appearances).
- The Miniature Wars range includes Sassanids, Sarmatians, Spanish mercenaries, Belisarian Byzantines, Civilians, Baggage, Slavs/ generic Dark age troops, Goths, Early Crusaders, Dark Age Franks, Republican Romans and Samnites. Some of the figures can now seem a little tired and verging on "blobby" by modern standards, but others are great
- There are pictures of either painted or unpainted troops for most ranges.
- The site takes paypal for ecommerce. They sell in 8 foot and 3-4 mounted for around 3 Euros.
Mick Yarrow Miniatures / (previously known as MY Miniatures)
- UK Manufacturer with a number of "older generation" ranges including Macedonians, Bactrians, Persians, Indians, Generic Arabs, Gladiators/Slave Revolt, WOTR/Medievals, C16 Spanish & Dutch, Arthurian British, Saxons, Celts, Vikings, Lombards, Persians, Villanovan & Etruscan Italians. They also make a unique Inuit Eskimo range
- Also Biblical ranges covering New Kingdom Egyptian, Cypriots & Phonecians, Early Egyptian, Philistines, Sea People, Hittites, Minoans, Myceneans/Trojans. The Sea Peoples at least, and maybe the rest of the biblicals are a little chunkier and bigger than some equivalent ranges
- Some of the above are Tabletop Games figure ranges also sold by a few other companies, but most look to be Mick Yarrow originals. They also sell some Dinosaurs and fantasy figures which could work as ancient gods!
- Pictures only for a scattering of the figures.
- The site takes Paypal cash and cheques. They sell in 8 foot and 4 mounted for £2.00 and claim to be "Essex-sized" although there are scale differences between ranges which suggest that some are more "Essex-sized" than others
Thistle & Rose Miniatures
- Thistle & Rose have now (July 2019) started selling some of the former "Feudal Castings" (that's the name of the range) ranges of figures which were originally produced by the company who are now QRF but trade sometimes as Freikorps, but then sold the Feudal Castings ranges to Sgt Major Miniatures in the US who were selling them under the Bloody Day brand and who then went into liquidation ... are you following me yet? Anyways, Thistle & Rose are now the place to go to get The Feudal Castings ranges (Kushites, Picts, Ethiopian Axumites, Vikings, Feudal/Medieval Scots, Welsh, Irish, Islemen, Normans, Saxons, generic Mediaeval, Wars of the Roses, Koori)
- Thistle & Rose also produce the "Thistle & Rose" ranges as well - these are a range of 15mm miniatures which were initially manufactured and sold by Jamie Fish (from roughly 1985 to 2000), and were last seen in the UK being sold in the UK by Black Hat maybe a decade or so ago I think. I've got some great Normans from this range, so it's great to hear they are back on the market under new ownership. The ranges are Enemies of Rome (1- Gauls, 2- Galatians, 3- Early Germans, 4- Sassanids, 5- Franks, 6- Picts), Foes in Chainmail (1- Early Eastern Europeans, 2- Welsh, 3- Vikings, 4- Scots/irish, 5- Rus and Early Russians, 6- Normans, 7- Saxons), Age of Cavalry (1- Turcomans, 2- Crusaders, 3- Mongols, 4- Islamic Persians, 5- Later Medieval, 6- Hussites)
- They also now own the master castings for the Venexia 15mm Biblical lines - but are yet to find time (in what sounds like a busy schedule) to turn these into production moulds.
- Bill Hupp is the gentleman who has stepped up to the plate to do us all a favour by keeping these ranges in circulation, and he plans to run it as a retirement business, meaning a full website may also be forthcoming in time if it goes well. You can reach the new owner on Facebook and order by email using Paypal n packs of 8 foot and 4 mounted.
Lancer Miniatures
- Lancer Miniatures, originally a 10mm / WW2 / resin casting specialist have been branching out into other periods, scales and materials of late with the newest ranges being 15mm Ancients.
- They have started with the classics - Macedonian and Greek, with hoplites, and supporting lighter troops, peltasts and cavalry
- The Lancer site has pictures of minis both painted and inked/unpainted and they sell for £3.60 in packs of 8, with officers and individual figures at 45p each.
- The site accepts all of the usual payment methods
Wiglaf Miniatures
- Wiglaf Miniatures is a new (2022) venture from Osprey rules author Dan Mersey, and is currently a small (one-man) company producing a range of 18mm metal wargaming miniatures for the British Dark Ages or Early Medieval Period.
- Dan has been working with sculptor Mark Copplestone (who also has a keen interest in this period) to produce high-quality "large 15mm" models that complement Mark's own range of fantasy Barbarica miniatures.
- They are available via North Star Miniatures currently retailing at £7.20 for 12 models (60p each)
Outpost Wargame Services
- Jeff from Outpost sadly passed away in 2023, however in 2024 an eBay seller called mrfootballer has appeared who has picked up some or all of the ranges, and seems to be gradually adding them to an eBay shop
- Outpost were specialists in Arab ranges, their Ghilmen famously pass the Moylo-scope test
- Other ranges that used to exist included Romano-British, Picts, Saxons, Franks, Avars & Slavs, Burmese & Khmer, Sui & Tang Chinese, Republican Romans, Parthians, Gladiators, Macedonians, Central Asian Steppe Turks Hindu & Tamil Indians, Crusade Islamics, Crusaders & Byzantines, Pre Samurai Japanese, Ching & Manchu Chinese.
- Keep checking his eBay page for more details as it seems likely that not all the ranges will have been in good enough shape to reappear
The companies listed below appear to be defunct, or have currently paused or stopped trading
They are included for completeness, or if the ranges reappear
Corvus Belli (were sold in plastic by PSC, no longer listed)
- Plastic Soldier Company had licensed production of these well regarded figures from the Corvus Belli range, releasing a number of army sized boxes and smaller packs of the Imperial Roman, Gallic, Carthaginian and 100YW ranges in Ultracast plastic, however PSC then posted on their website in 2023 that the Ultracast machine was broken and they were awaiting a spare part. Since then there has been no further updates, but as no other Ultracast range seems to be on sale on the PSC site it seems likely that these figures (in fact all of the non-3D printed figures from PSC) may not reappear, and that PSC have discontinued all Ultracast production in favour of several 3D printed ranges designed by Cromarty Forge.
- The full set of ranges used to cover Marian and Imperial Rome and some related armies such as Spanish, Numidians, Kappadocians, Carthaginians as well as a well regarded 100YW range. The Corvus Belli metals used to have separate shields but the plastics seem to be cast with shields and swords in place, although some weapons (crossbows in the 100YW for instance) do seem to be separate.
- Madaxeman's Supplier Rating : 8.5/10 for Corvus Belli. Variety, detailand animation all excellent - a real shame they are out of production again.
Magister Militum - the business was looking for someone to buy these ranges
Magister Militum Figures
- As of 2023 Magister Militum announced that they would be selling off the business, and they are still looking for buyers for this range of 15mm figures which doesn't quite make it into the Medieval period, but is comprehensive before that.
- Sumerians, Midianites, Bedouin, Canaanites, Syrians, Ugaritic, Nubians, Libyans, Hittites, Sea Peoples, Sargonid & Neo Assyrians, Lydians, Babylonians, Elamites, Kushites, New Kingdom Egypt, Saitic Egypt, Hebrews & Philistines, early Hebrews make up the Biblical Section.
- Indians, Numidians, Hopliter Era Greeks, Macedonians, Thracians, Italians & Etruscans, Republican Romans, Celts, Gauls, Brits & other barbarians, Saratians, Carthaginians, Spanish, Imperial & Marian Romans, Achemenid Persians, Middle & Late Romans, make up the Classical range, with Navigator also casting Imperial Romans, Numidians, Gauls & Celts and early Germans/generic barbarians.
- Armenians, Goths, Saxons, Visigoths, Huns Palmyrans, Parthians, Carolingian (Navigator) and Sub Roman Arthurian Brits fill out the Dark ages, and Arabs, Burmese, Han CHinese and Tibetans make up an eastern collection
- Many of the figures previously went under the name Chariot Miniatures
- They were sold in packs of 8 infantry or 4 cavalry the figures are in the "Essex-compatible" size range, although some of the biblical era troops can appear a little on the undernourished side.
- Madaxeman's Supplier Rating : 7/10 for the non-Navigator ranges. They do paint up well, but many of the old biblical era Chariot ranges always seemed a bit skinny and awkward to me, and I still can't shake the prejudice, even though I like the hoplites.
Gladiator Miniatures (formerly Black Hat, then owned by Fighting 15's, now looking for a buyer)
- The Gladiator Miniatures range were formerly owned by Black Hat Miniatures, but as of September 2018 the ranges were sold to Fighting 15's in the UK. Fighting 15's have announced at the end of 2024 that they plan to cease production, so these ranges may either vanish, or be bought by another company and continue- right now no-one knows.
- They have a strong Biblical era line-up together with the usual Classic Era, Byzantine and medieval suspects - plus some Central Americans ! The range cover all eras of Egyptians, Hyksos & Cansanites, Mitanni, Syrians, Hittites, Sea Peoples & other enemies, Minoans & Myceneans, both Romans & Carthaginians for The Punic Wars, Indians, Alexandrian & Successors as well as earlier Hellenistics, Persians, Vikings, Saxons, Normans and various other generic dark ages types, Moslem, Byzantine, Mongol & Frankish armies for the Crusades, a Feudal range, Chin & Han Chinese, Asiatic Nomads, Goths, late Romans, a full set of Medievals, WOTR and Samurai.
- Generally they are compatible with Essex for height, but different sculptors over the years mean some are quite chunky - the Biblicals are among my favourites, as they are chunky figures that look like they could so some serious smiting of enemies!
- Not all the ranges are as chunky though - The Gladiator catalogue range also includes some Josef Ochmann-sculpted figures as well which are more normally proportioned. They were once sold as 'Historical Heroes' by Metal Magic in Germany, and there are shots of them here - most of the Hellenistic, Feudal, Chinese, Asiatic Nomad, Gothis & Late Roman ranges are these sculpts
- They now sell in packs of 8 foot and 4 mounted
- Madaxeman's Supplier Rating : 7/10 for most, 9/10 for the newer Biblicals. Blocky older castings make some of the non-biblicals an acquired taste, but why go elsewhere for Egyptians or similar..?.
Signifer Miniatures from Italy
- A manufacturer from Italy who's website now seems no longer to exist
- They originaly had a small range of 100YW and Dark Ages - which was just a handful of codes for Vikings
- A notice went up on the Gallia / Warrior website in mid 2022 stating that for personal reasons the company was not currently trading.
- They have a small range of Feudals, late Medievals, Vikings, Late Romans, Chinese & Samurai from Warrior Miniatures in Scotland.
- Figures are generally quite small from those I own
Trey Corbies
- Trey Corbies were a small Canadian company with one initial range - Warrior Women of Pre Christian Ireland - subsequently supplemeted by the equally obscure Garamantes biblical era army!
- Their website has since gone offline, and was not updated after 2014.
Roundway (as sold by Naismith & Roundway)
- Naismith/Roundway, formerly sold by Navwar had under the Roundway banner a significant range of Late Medieval-Early Renaissance figures which mixed nicely with Essex and similar ranges.
- Countries covered included Burgundian, English, French, German, Granadine, Hindu Indians, Hungarians, Irish, Italian/Venetian, Mameluk, Mughal Indian, Ottomans, Medieval Persians, Poles, Russians, Scots, (Highlanders and Pike-types), Spanish, and Swiss.
Naismith Design (as sold by Naismith & Roundway)
- Naismith/Roundway were formerly sold by Navwar, however subsequent to being sold their website has gone offline and it appears these figures are no longer being produced. It is unclear whether they will ever resurface
- The range was mostly Eastern nations, with Samurai, Mongols, Koreans, Sung Chinese, Khitans, Tibetans, and Chinese Border Nomads.
Hall of Ancient Warriors
- Australian manufacturer of a large Biblical range of Caananites, Hittites, Philistines, Sea Peoples., Syrians, New Kingdom Egyptians
- Other ranges include Hungarians, Norse-Irish, Picts, Burmese, Chin Chinese, Chinese Nomads, Indians, Khmer, Parthians, Mongols, Tang Chinese and Tibetans.
- I've moved it to the defunct part of this listing as I am unable to find a website for them that is still alive
- Vexillia used to (re)sell a wide range of figures, but also had their own small range of East European/medieval Polish that Martin commissioned himself. They covered generic East Europeans, and some dedicated Polisg figures for the 1400-1500 timeframe, with 11 codes.
- The ranges have now been sold to a 3rd party and may become available one day. The ranges were sculpted by Clibinarium to match both Mirliton and Essex Miniatures.
- The Vexilia website has now gone however Martin still has his blog.
- Madaxeman's Supplier Rating : 8/10 based on the pictures
Falcon Figures
- Once produced in the UK, the ranges were sold to a US company.
- Occasionally Falcon appear at US tradeshows, however consensus amongst the US gaming community appears to be that it's best only to buy figures from Falcon at shows, and if they actually can hand the figures over to you there and then. Currently their website redirects to an eBay page, which has no product on offer so it appears they may be now defunct? Their actual site used to list Blemmye, Illyrians, Macedonians, Nordic Bronze Age and Skythians, New Kingdom Egyptians, Republican Romans, Picts, plus Eastern Mongols, Koreans, Chinese Javanese, Malayans & Indonesians, Burmese and the former Copperfield range of Siamese plus some civilians and animals. . The original UK-based company had a much wider range of figures including Biblical Sumerians, Akkadians, Syrians, Lydians, Hittites, Nubians, Sea Peoples, Midianite Arabs, Philistines, Thracians, Early Feudal, plus Medieval Scots, Poles, Lithuanians, Hussites, Crusaders, Eastern Europeans, Samurai, Arabs include Ghaznavids, Ottomans, generic Arabs and an Americas ranges of Mexican Triple Alliance, Tarascans, Mayans, Incas, Tupi.
- Italian-based manufacturer who rather winningly described their figures as 16mm "because it's a middle way amongst 15 and 18mm". Their website is long since defunct as of June 2015 so chances are they are gone, however the designer seems to have a Facebook Page which does not really mention the figures either. They do/did have three ranges for ancients, Byzantines suitable for either X, XI and XII century, based on FOG army lists, Roman Victrix covering Imperial Romans and their Barbarian enemies – 70 /180 A.D with Legions, Auxilia, Support Troops, and Dacian, German, Sarmatian and generic barbarian figures as opponents, and Troy, Achaeans and Trojans of the Mycenean period around 1200 B.C.
- They were able to be bought direct by emailing Aquilifer and were sold in blister packs with Infantry and Cavalry being 12 mixed miniatures (command included). Some of the ranges had pictures of unpainted miniatures on the Aquilifer website.
Timeline Miniatures
- A UK based manufacturer who has now disappeared, who used to do a single range of Burmese, in both 15mm and 25/8mm.
- They were sold in packs of 8, around 24 figure codes - but currently have no website. The Timeline name is now used by an (unlrelated) company who sell 28mm MDF buildings
Kennington Minatures from SHQ
- Once sold by SHQ Miniatures, this 38-piece range covered Yuan, Ming and Mongol types including the artillery wheelbarrow.
- The SHQ website doesn't list the figures on it's links section, and they are no longer listed in the downloadable PDF catalogue either so who knows where they are now. They were Essex sized, but a touch more slender.
Bloodaxe Miniatures from Historifigs
- Lance Runolfsson's Bloodaxe Miniatures were made in the US by Historifigs, and under licence in Europe by East Riding Miniatures.
- The range was promoted as being "true 15mm", which I guess means a bit small by todays standards, and covered Hawaiians and Early Hoplite Greeks in ancients. ERM also listed a Macedonian range as being for sale in the UK for a while
Baker Company
- UK-based manufacturer who used to have a couple of 15mm South East Asian Wars ranges - they now appear to have dissappeared from their website.
- The ranges were Siamese, Burmese & Thai.
Pass o'The North
- Ranges included Later Carthaginians, Marians, Gauls, Ancient Spanish, Late Imperial and Patrician Romans, Sub Roman British (Arthur), & Goths.
- This small US based (Denver Colorado) company used to operate through a home-brewed website. As of Jan 2010 the business stopped operating due to ill health/production problems for the owner. See this TMP thread for details and possible updates. More pictures of their ranges are available here on fanaticus.org.
Lo Hobbi.t.Studio
- A niche manufacturer from Italy that a viewer of this site told me about
- The figures looked very good from the pictures on their site, but it seems to have gone so they may no longer be being produced?. Apparently they were a little large, so compatible with Xyston or maybe Museum or Warmodelling?
- They have/did have just one 15mm range, Early Romans.
Camelot Games
- Italian manufacturer with a few small ranges including Polybian/ MRR Romans, Huns, Vikings & Rus, Crusader Knights & Arabs, and CXIII medieval. I've been unable to find a live site for them unfortunately
Toolshed Miniatures
- A small range of Greeks originally manufactured by Tumbling Dice, however they may now be lost as the website has long evaporated leaving no trace of the company left behind... last time they were live was around 2011
- They were well regarded and sold as singles, and cast in a pewter-like metal
Alain Touller Figurines
- Alain Touller sadly passed away in November 2015 after a lengthy battle against cancer. This longstanding and much-loved French-based manufacturer sold ranges of Romans, Gauls Scythians, Byzantines, Koreans, and medieval ranges (including some v. nice Spanish almugavars). The figures were very similar in size to Essex-standard, although some ranges are noticeably cruder than others.
- The figures were sold individually and come cast with spears and shields in place. They were designed by Alain and shipped from France.
- The site was in semi-translated French, but is now down. There were pictures of many - but not all - of the figures online. Word on the street has it that Alain's family may still own the moulds, but they have not made any moves to sell them on to any interested parties, and given the length of time that has now passed it seems unlikely these figures will ever reappear.
Bears's Den Miniatures
- A UK-based manufacturer with one 15mm range, Warring States Chinese who disappeared way back in 2012 due to illness of the owner. Badger Games took over some of the moulds, but the 15mm range does not seem to be one of them.
Don't forget
- You may also want to check out the excellent 15mm Comparison Page from David Kujit. It hasn't been updated in years, but still has great content on comparing some of the manufacturers listed on this page.
- Veni Vidi Vici - shield transfers for 15mm Ancients & Medievals. Online store takes Paypal & credit cards
- Little Big men Transfers - taking shield transfers to a new level - both of colour and price - LBMS have special ranges to fit. Online store takes Paypal & credit cards
- 15mm Ancients compared - a useful comparison of Ancient Spanish & Gallic figures from Corvus Belli, Magister Militums Chariot and Navigator ranges, Black Hat's Gladiator Games range and Xyston
Who am I missing? Mail me to tell me at website.mail@madaxeman.com
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