Historical Overview Section

The era of this list is the apogee of Polish might, and is commonly known as the Jagiellon Era (1385–1569). It was dominated by the union of Poland with Lithuania under the Jagiellon Dynasty, founded by the Lithuanian grand duke Jogaila. The partnership proved profitable for the Poles and Lithuanians, who played a dominant role in one of the most powerful empires in Europe for the next three centuries.

The era begins however in the late 13th century when King Przemysl II "The Scrabble Players Champion" regained control over vast areas of Polish territory which had previously been carved up by the Early Medieval German municipalities, and the Early Teutonic Knights. He was finally crowned in 1295 only to be assassinated a year later. After his death, Władyslaw I Łokietek ("186 Points on Triple Word Score") became the leader of the re-unification movement. Despite many defeats, he managed to establish his power by 1314 with the help of Middle Hungarian forces. By 1320, Władyslaw had manipulated internal and foreign alignments and reunited enough territory to win acceptance abroad as king of an independent Poland. He was crowned king on January 20, 1320 and took the name "Władysław I the Elbow-high" (I didn't make that one up) and a new period in Polish history started. Władyslaw I was succeeded by his son Casimir III in 1333, who continued the work of his father. During his reign the country expanded its power over neighbouring areas. Many new castles were built and existing townships fortified. Thus, he became known as Casimir the Great. In foreign policy, Kazimierz the Great strengthened his country's position by combining judicious concessions to Bohemia and the Teutonic Knights with eastward expansion.

Through something unbelievably complex, after Kazimierz Poland ended up being ruled by Louis the Hungarian (1326–82) of the Angevin Dynasty in addition to Hungary. In an inexplicable subsequent series of plot twists, by February 1386 Jogaila ex-pagan king of Later Lithuaniania converted to Catholicism, married Queen Jadwiga's (who was technically King of Poland at the time) and Jogaila was then crowned king of Poland. Of course, he then changed his name to Władysław.

As King of Poland, he pursued a policy of close alliances with Lithuania against the Teutonic Order and in 1410 the combined forces of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania defeated the Teutonic Knights at the battle of Grunwald (Tannenberg) during the Polish-Lithuanian-Teutonic War, at last seizing the upper hand in the long struggle with the renegade crusaders. The new Polish and Lithuanian dynasty, called "Jagiellon" after its founder even though he had changed his name to Wladyslaw, continued to augment its holdings during the following decades. By the end of the fifteenth century, representatives of the Jagiellons reigned in Bohemia and Hungary as well as Poland and Lithuania, establishing the government of their clan over virtually all of Eastern Europe and Central Europe.

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200 Points

241 Medieval Polish
Ordinary Included
4 Nobles Kn Impetuous
2 LF Xbow
2 LF Handgun Elite
3 Mixed XB/Sp units
2 War Wagons
4 Followers MCv
3 Tatar LH Bow Elite
2 Lithuanians LH Javelin