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Historical Overview Section

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During the period of the Roman wars, Gaul (Gallia) was the Roman name for the region of Western Europe comprising northern Italy, France, Belgium, western Switzerland and the parts of the Netherlands and Germany on the west bank of the River Rhine. In English, the word Gaul (French:Gaulois) may also refer to an inhabitant of that region, although the expression may be used more generally for all ancient speakers of the Gaulish language (a derivative of early Celtic) who were widespread in Europe and extended even into central Anatolia by Roman times.

Gauls under Brennus sacked Rome circa 390 BC. In the Aegean world, a huge migration of Eastern Gauls appeared in Thrace, north of Greece, in 281 BC. Another Gaulish chieftain also named Brennus, at the head of a large army, was only turned back from desecrating the Temple of Apollo at Delphi in Greece at the last minute — he was alarmed, it was said, by portents of thunder and lightning. At the same time a migrating band of Celts, some 10,000 warriors, with their women, children, slaves, chickens, geese, several fairly impressive collections of hand crafted cafetieres and a suite of wicker garden furniture, and were moving through Thrace. Three tribes of Gauls crossed over from Thrace to Asia Minor at the express invitation of Nicomedes I, king of Bithynia (which was a small geographical location just south of the Bosphorus and the Euxine (Black Sea) in the northern area of modern-day Turkey, i.e just south and southeast of the latter-day city of Constantinople, or modern-day Istanbul), who required help in a dynastic struggle against his brother. Eventually they settled down in eastern Phrygia and Cappadocia in central Anatolia, a region henceforth known as the Galatians

Using the army under FoG

The big choice in the Galic army is between heavy and loose formation foot - but fortunately the option (or requirement - with only 3 non-allied generals being allowed) to take allies within the list permits a mix of heavy and medium foot to be selected. Both benefit from being fielded in large units which when led by generals gets maximum bang per buck for the generals upgrading abilities, as their lack of armour and average grading makes them vulnerable in protracted slogging matches against the many armoured and superior in-period opponents.

The big downside of the internal allies is the need to take 4 Chariots with each ally - making it impossible to field a decent all-chariot wing to soak up one side of the table while you pile down the other. For this reason the option of an all HF Gallic army, with MF rough terrain capability being provided by a Ancient Spanish ally may be the best way to deliver MF/HF capability in the army.

With Elite troops incredibly rare in any list, the 6 soldurii Elite armoured foot represent a "must have" option, and will fight to practically the last man, especially if bolstered by a general as well and they can provide a strong anchor to a line of other weaker foot.

As an unarmoured foot army the secret is massed assaults by deep formations of infantry, using generals and rear support to keep them in the game and fighting long enough for sheer weight of numbers to count in their favour. This will inevitably leave you narrower than an in-period opponent, so making good use of terrain, and screening off a large part of the table with LCh and Cv all will be necessary to allow you to wade in with a deep piledriver of attacking force.

However to look at this as a foot army is to miss its strength in cavalry and chariots, making this army surprisingly maneuverable and pacey across the table if sufficient cavalry are taken - almost allwoing it to be an all-mounted force. As long as the protected cavalry can avoid getting shot up by light infantry or light horse bowmen they can outnumber and overwhelm many opponents mounted forces.

UK Tourney Results

2 / 16 Gallic Godendag 2008 Doubles (RoR)
34 / 41 Gallic BHGS Challenge 2008 (open)

Allied Contingents

  • German, Early : Date restrictions after c.100 BC Book: Legions Triumphant Page: 26 - Can be a way of getting MF or HF into a Gallic army which majors on the opposite, without having a Gallic ally who has to take 4 Chariots, but be careful as the allied HF may find it difficult to co-ordinate with the Soldurii.
  • Ligurian : Date restrictions None Book: Rise of Rome Page: 19 - Lt Spear-only armed MF? Are you mad?

Not quite so. As the Ancient Spanish army only exists from the mid-3rd century BC, earlier Gallic armies don't have the Iberian option. So, if an older Gallic heavy foot army needs some medium foot without chariots or horse, it has to use the Ligurians.

  • Iberian - Spanish, Ancient : Date restrictions after c. 250 BC Book: Rise of Rome Page: 30 - Good to get some chariot-free MF into a HF Gallic list

User-contributed links about this army:

15mm Manufacturers supplying figures for this army

You can see some of the figures in the Gallic Photo Gallery also on this site

Army Lists

Sample army lists for this army
800 AP as used at Warfare 2009

  • 6 LF Slingers
  • 8 Mob
  • 4 LCh
  • 6 JLS armed LF
  • 8 MF Impact Foot Swordsmen Average Protected
  • 8 MF Impact Foot Swordsmen Average Protected
  • 8 MF Impact Foot Swordsmen Average Protected
  • 4 Armoured Cavalry, Superior, JLS/Sw
  • 4 Protected Cavalry, Superior, JLS/Sw
  • 4 Protected Cavalry, Superior, JLS/Sw
  • 8 Gaesati Superior HF, Impact Foot Swordsmen Protected
  • 8 Gaesati Superior HF, Impact Foot Swordsmen Protected
  • 8 Gaesati Superior HF, Impact Foot Swordsmen Protected
  • 4 x TCs

900 AP Gallic Army

  • 1 Singers LF Unprotected Average Undrilled Sling - - - 6
  • 2 Javelinmen LF unprotected Average Undrilled Javelins Light spear - - 6
  • 3 Heavy Foot HF Protected Average Undrilled - Impact foot Swordmen - 10
  • 4 Heavy Foot HF Protected Average Undrilled - Impact foot Swordmen - 10
  • 5 Soldurii HF Armoured Elite Undrilled - Impact foot Swordmen - 6
  • 6 Light Chariots LCh - Superior Undrilled - Light spear - - 4
  • 7 Light Chariots LCh - Superior Undrilled - Light spear - - 4
  • 8 Light Chariots LCh - Superior Undrilled - Pikemen - - 4
  • 9 Spanish Medium Foot MF Protected Average Undrilled - Impact foot Swordmen - 8
  • 10 Spanish Medium Foot MF Protected Average Undrilled - Impact foot Swordmen - 8
  • 11 Heavy Foot HF Protected Average Undrilled - Impact foot Swordmen - 10
  • 12 Spanish Caetrati LF Unprotected Average Undrilled Javelins Light spear - - 6
  • 13 Cavalry Cv Armoured Superior Undrilled - Light spear Swordmen - 4
  • Allied General TC - - - - - - Ally general 1
  • General IC - - - - - - CinC 1
  • General TC - - - - - - - 1
  • General TC - - - - - - - 1

800 AP Gallic Army

  • 6 LF Unprotected Average JLS
  • 8 MF Protected Average Impact Foot Swordsmen
  • 8 MF Protected Average Impact Foot Swordsmen
  • 8 HF Protected Average Impact Foot Swordsmen
  • 8 HF Protected Average Impact Foot Swordsmen
  • 6 HF Protected Elite Impact Foot Swordsmen
  • 4 Cv Protected Superior Average JLS
  • 4 Cv Protected Superior Average JLS
  • 4 LCh Superior JLS
  • 4 Cv Protected Superior Average JLS
  • 4 Cv Protected Superior Average JLS
  • 4 LCh Superior JLS
  • 3 Generals

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