10mm WW2
Using Peter Pigs rather fabulous PBI rules and the even more fun Blitzkreig Commander
Here's some pictures of the guys in action:
Manufacturers here are Pendraken, Minifigs, Wargames South, and buildings are a mix of Hovels, Pendraken and Timecast, all as noted. There is another company making 10mm stuff in this period called Bren Gun Miniatures, but after they cashed my £11 cheque but never sent the figures I can only say not recommended ! For more manufacturers links click here
Some pictures are thumbnails - click on them to get a larger version
My guide to painting these little green and grey things to come shortly!
British Infantry (Pendraken) defend an objective (a Timecast House, Hovels ruins and a Minifigs lorry) against a German attack (thumbnail)
Tiger Tiger (Minifigs) not burning at all... as Pendraken German infantry deploy their one-shot panzerfaust
Pendraken German infantry bale out of their half track under cover of trees (thumbnail)
Oi You ! Over THERE!! Pendraken WW2 German command group, 2 of them in late war camo gear
The 101st Airborne (Wargames South) on the painting table (thumbnail)
British Infantry from Pendraken
Minifigs Bren/Universal Carrier
Minifigs Churchill Tank (thumbnail)
Wargames South Firefly (thumbnail)
Pendraken PIAT team and 2 bren gunners with accompanying infantryman (thumbnail)
Pendrakens rather excellent German MG34 LMG team
British Paratroops from Wargames South
German infantry in Late War camo gear and with STG/MP44 assault rifle (front figure) from Pendraken (Thumbnail)
Early War uniform German infantry - 2 with MP40 machine pistol (Pendraken)
German Paratroops in Camo smocks - 3 Pendraken, front/kneeling one from Minifigs
Minifigs Skdfz 251 half tracks,
early/late war and command (radio) vehicle. "Real world" German
AFV camouflage was usually applied in the field by the crews themselves, using
paints thinned by either diesel/petrol or whatever (presumably dirty) water they
could find. Discovering this liberated me from my fear of getting these schemes
wrong, and also of making them look too "tidy" when painted on the
model. Now I just paint them in colours that seem fairly close to what looks
like a proper scheme, preferably with a dodgy old brush and the effect is fine!
(Thumbnail). 2 of
Pendraken's ruined houses and bunkers - most are able to fit a 3cm x 3cm base
into them, which is neat. One is being defended by a Minifigs German MG34 LMG
Minifigs Pz IV
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