Field of Glory Renaissance in The Deepest Deep South - 2010
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Todays game is presented both in full motion video, and as some simple pictures.
Pictures of Hungarians from my Ancients Photo Directory
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My opponents list was Early Hungarian
Click PLAY to see a report of the game complete with celebrity commentary. It's been recorded in pretty high resolution, so feel free to maximise it to fullscreen
or, in normal vision, here's the game..
A proper field with some terrain at last!
A strong attack on the right
LH escape after delaying much of th eenemy army
Already closing for action
The Wall of Turks
The Hungarian center looks a touch thin
Will the lancers be left behind?
Impressive yet ineffectual shooting
Time to evade from some of the Hungarian cavalry
The LH lancers are of course the only ones to lose at impact....
Concentration of forces has been achieved
Preparing to evade from the Knights
Putting pressure on the one-rank-deep Hungarians
The LH combat swings back my way at last...
2 disruptions, 2 base losses for the Hungarians
The overlap makes no difference ...
Cavalry start ganging up on the knights
Lights out for the Hungarian skirmishers
Evading Hungarians only just outdistance charging Seljuks
A good solid line with which to take on a unit of knights ?
The other knights are distracted by peasants
A good first round of combat too - its all going so well!
5-0 in melee - not quite so hot ...
They may have evaded, but shooting takes them disrupted
More knights return to action
This would have been a perfect intercept charge - had the knights not lost a base from some unluckily lucky shooting !
Disrupted by shooting themsleves, lancers charge in and win..
The lesser of two evils - turning leaves a flank exposed, but it should not be a problem...
A 6-0 combat loss, and already disrupted. Even a 10 can't save a unit with 4 minuses - and another lost base tro. Ouch....
That flank is starting to hurt...
Charged from the front when fragmented.... oh dear
This looks better - but shame the Dailami go disrupted
Fragmented LH need to escape..
A proper dogs breakfast ....
How many flanks exposed here?
At least this should be better
And now my turn to roll up a flank.
the entire center of the Seljuk army is gone
As is the baggage too
As is almost all the Hungarian left flank !
Ooops - lancers are never as good as non lancers are they?
End of the Middle
Knights pursue into trouble
Ghilmen pursued into proximity of Seljuk LF
The table turns to a 4-foot 500 AP game
LF in trouble
Lancers mess up again...
The Seljuks are first to reform a semblance of a proper line of battle
Dailami get in a rear charge !!
which is effective...
very effective...!
3 knights a touch fortunate at impact against Superior Cv with Generals
Make that against very unlucky Cv with Generals
Another good round for the Khights.... !
Saved....they live again!
Oh, but not if that general dies after losing 2-0....?
A unit is clawed back!
And the baggage - both sides now need 1 VP !
And there it is for the Hungarians
Game Over
Post Match Summary
Well, I was really worried about facing the Hungarians, as the only army in the entire competition who were allowed to take Knights, and in the end those fears proved justified. I felt I had a good old crack at not doing my normal though-free deployment, and for a while it was working quite well.
But you can only plan so much, as at some point you need to get into contact with the enemy, and as usual this seems to be where my plan failed. The game therefore pivoted on a couple of moments where even average luck would have given me a win, but it was not to be in the end. Much as the previous evenings choice of dining establishments (the Outback Steakhouse) was both predictable (steak) and somewhat surprising (an Australian themed restaurant ??!!), so was the nature of my eventual defeat. However, 4 good games, some late night drinking, and an above mid table finish giving me my first ever Gulf South Championship point .. whats not to like really ??
Hannibal's Post Match Analysis
What's not to like? How about a defeat that you coudl have turned into a victory by making a few moves a dull 8 year old hamster could probably have worked out then?
Now, the tricks and flimflam of the multimedia age allow you to swiftly gloss over a few debacles. As in, lets start with how your LH got far too far ahead of themselves on the right, If they had waited fro the lancer unit to accompany them, that would have been utterly decisive rather than a slow trudge to a squeak past the post victory. And then, whilst we are talking of glossing things over, whatever happened to allow your baggage to be eaten - and also to lose a LH lancer unit along the way as well. Outnumbered skirmishers without generals just have to run away, don't even think they can stand and fight - especially if they don't have shooting capability and the enemy they are facing do. Now, that unit alone could have saved the game for you.... how does it feel to have thrown it away?
And when it comes down to it, you wanted to take on the knights, didn't you? They are better than you, you can skirmish with most of your army, so why even bother? Most of the other players who fought the 2 Hungarian armies managed to avoid combat, but you said "bring it on" - is there a less on there maybe? I keep trying to drum it into you - FoG is a game of maneuver and shooting, and anything other than a flank attack is a form of pot luck - combat is for mugs really - which is why I suppose you love it so much! You utter tool.
The ultimate lesson here is that you can't beat armies with skirmishers and some grit, and you can't use them properly either. So why not just forget ever trying to do well in any form of competition, and just take an army you like, accepting that it will get beaten every now and then by one of these sorts of outfits, rather than putting yourself through the mill of actually trying to take them on at their own game.
....OK - I am now leaving the building.....
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